'Crack pipe' vending machines popping up in New York, raising fears among residents


Suffolk County locals in New York's Long Island are on the alert in the wake of the potential cracking pipe vending machines.

The town of Brookhaven last weekend. Two out of three have been removed by the community. The machines, according to WABC-TV, featured the words "Sketch Pens" and were mounted in cement into the ground. It would be dispensing a small glass tube and a filter for $ 2 in the form of eight quarters.

The dispensers were originally reported to be officials in the community.

City of Brookhaven Supervisor Ed Romaine said at the conference on Monday, according to McClatchy. "I continue to be surprised by some of the audacity of those who would break the law in promoting drugs and drug paraphernalia."

"It's a crack pipe," Romaine added, as he held up one of the items. "It's a ceramic, glass pipe disguised a … There's a filter in there that you use to smoke crack."

"It is an interesting situation: Is it a pen? Is it drug paraphernalia? "Dean Murray, New York Assemblyman, said at the same press conference. "I do not remember ever buying a pack of filters, so I think it's pretty obvious."

Local resident Scott Malz filmed one of the dispensers near a shopping center. "I wanted to make it as easy as possible," he said. "Because that's actually a bad area for drugs."

One machine, which popped up in the area was destroyed by angry locals who fear for the community. "We've been here for three years," Danielle Blom told the outlet. We've never had any problems, and now this. So it's pretty disgusting. "

Suffolk County Police is investigating the matter and will be responsible for putting the machines in place.

"Town Councilman Michael Loguercio told WABC-TV," This is considered to be a drug paraphernalia. "And it was also dispensed from a machine that was installed illegally by town code."

Lukas Mikelionis is a reporter for FoxNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @LukasMikelionis.

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