Crazy Video Woman Choking Shows McDonald's Employee Allegedly Over Ketchup


A strange brawl broke out in an Orange County McDonald's after a woman went to the employee's area, asked for ketchup, and allegedly started choking an employee when she was told to leave, the Santa Ana Police Department said Tuesday.

Police were searching for McDonald's surveillance footage.

It started after the customer, got upset in the drive-thru because something was left out of her order Oct. 27.

She allegedly became so upset that she walked into a back door left open at the Santa Ana McDonald's in the 1500 block North Bristol and began swearing at the manager, police said.

The manager said she could not believe it started over ketchup.

The woman allegedly slipped into a door open after an employee took out the trash. On watch, the woman in the pink shirt can be seen confronting the manager, and a fight quickly breaks out.

It took a while before a co-worker tried to break up the fight. By that point, the woman in pink can be seen on video choking the employee.

One of the girls did help me, the rest, I do not know, I was not really aware of what was going on, the manager who was attacked said. She did not wish to be identified.

The manager says a few words, the woman kept asking for ketchup.

"We are starting to see more of this type of incident: they are assaulting the workers," said Cpl. Anthony Bertagna.

About a minute after it began, a man walks in and seems to tell the female attacker it's time to leave. It is unclear if she ever got the ketchup.

"Fortunately, we did not know where we went," Bertagna said.

As for the 22-year old manager.

The manager believes the two are leaving a white car.

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