Created the exact reconstruction of the appearance of a Tyrannosaurus Rex


A team of artists and paleontologists have created, in their opinion, the most accurate image of T-Rex. For this, they used the latest research data.

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The result was a plump animal with a bald body, delicate arms and a very low center of gravity. Perhaps the most significant change in the new work – the absence of Tyrannosaurus Rex feathers. Some experts argue that T-Rex and they did not exist.

"[The team] worked from the skeleton, after spending months on the muscular image. Now everyone can see the result – says paleobiology and lead artist on Scott Hartman's dinosaur skeletons, who provided advice during the project. – I was stunned by the time they spent and the attention to detail. "

The project was managed by R. J. Palmer. On the orders of video game developers Saurian, he has studied more than 20 published research articles about T-Rex and its physiognomy. In particular, Palmer focused on 2017, published in the journal Biology Letters, in which it was speculated that this dinosaur was feathered in some places, as previously thought, but on the contrary, it does not have a feathery appearance. did not have any.

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The skeleton in the new T-Rex redesign / © Saurian

As for the rest of the opening of the new reconstruction, the lack of feather cover is debatable, but Palmer and his team believe they have obtained the most accurate image possible, according to available data .

For example, depending on the physiology of the bird, they are placed at the back of the T-Rex keratin patches. In addition, biologists have added extra tissue to the mouth to the jaw to hide the teeth when the mouth is closed, based on small holes in the bones of a dinosaur capable of providing nutrients to this tissue.

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Muscles in the new T-Rex overhaul / © Saurian

Great attention has been paid to details – to the blunt claws of his feet (which would be rounded with a constant impact on the ground) and sharp claws on the upper limbs (which in principle were not designed for something specific). A gigantic figure, on which the work took 320 hours, will be placed in the Museum of Natural History and Science of New Mexico.

Создана самая точная реконструкция внешнего вида тираннозавра

The final reconstruction of T-Rex / © Saurian

"I must say that there are not many paleoproducts, which pay much attention to the external image of the most likely species, says the paleontologist and paleoartist Mark Witton, who also advises the project. "


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