Creator OxyContin sued for "important role in the spread of the opioid epidemic"


After hundreds of lawsuits over the drug giant Purdue Pharma over the years, the Colorado Attorney General is suing the creator of OxyContin for his "significant role in spreading the opioid epidemic."

The lawsuit claims that Purdue Pharma LP and Purdue Pharma Inc. have misled Colorado doctors and patients about the potential for prescription opioid addiction and have continued to prescribe drugs. And the news indicates that former president and president of the company, Richard Sackler, has patented a new drug to help addicts to opioid withdrawal.

"Purdue's drugs, coupled with their reckless marketing, stole their parents' children, the families of their sons and daughters, and destroyed the lives of our friends, neighbors and co-workers," said Colorado's Attorney General. Cynthia Coffman. "Although no amount of money can bring home loved ones, it can offset the enormous costs engendered by Purdue's intentional misconduct."

The lawsuit states that Purdue Pharma "minimized the risk of opioid-related addiction," "exaggerated the benefits," and "advised health professionals to violate their Hippocratic oath and not treat their patients with opioids." ". Colorado Attorney General's Office.

But Purdue Pharma "vigorously" denied the charges in a statement The Washington Post, arguing that while it shares "the state's concern about the opioid crisis," it has not misled health care providers about prescription opioids.

"The state claims that Purdue acted inappropriately by communicating with prescribers about scientific and medical information that the FDA has specifically considered and continues to approve," said a spokesman. of Purdue Pharma in the release. "We believe that it is inappropriate for the state to substitute its judgment for the judgment of regulatory, scientific and medical experts of the FDA."

According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2016, more than 63,000 drug overdose deaths were recorded in the United States and more than 66% of them were attributed to opioids.

The CDC states that illegal opioids and prescription opioids, which are commonly used to treat pain, have been associated with addiction, overdose and death.

En 2007, trois anciens employés actuels et anciens de Purdue ont plaidé coupable à des accusations criminelles, reconnaissant qu'ils avaient faussement amené les médecins et leurs patients à croire que l'OxyContin était moins susceptible d'être maltraité que les autres drogues de sa catégorie, selon The New York Times. Alors plus tôt cette année, le the Wall Street newspaper a rapporté que Purdue avait prévu d'arrêter la promotion du médicament.

Now, it seems, a new venture is only exacerbating the outcry.

Le Financial Times Sackler, dont la famille est propriétaire de Purdue Pharma, une entreprise multimilliardaire, a breveté un nouveau médicament plus tôt cette année, une forme de buprénorphine, un opioïde léger utilisé pour soulager les symptômes de sevrage. However, some express their indignation at the fact that the Sacklers, who have mainly benefited from opioid addiction, may soon benefit from the antidote.

«Il est répréhensible de ce que Purdue Pharma a fait pour notre santé publique», a déclaré Luke Nasta, directeur de Camelot, un centre de traitement basé à New York pour la toxicomanie et l'alcoolisme. Le Financial Times. Il a ajouté que la famille Sackler «ne devrait pas être autorisée à vendre d’autres opiacés synthétiques – et cela inclut les substituts aux opioïdes».

La description du brevet reconnaît le risque de dépendance associé aux médicaments: «Les opioïdes ont toujours été connus pour être utiles dans le traitement de la douleur, mais ils présentent également un potentiel de dépendance en raison de leur activité euphorigène. Thus, if opioids are taken by healthy human subjects exhibiting drug-seeking behavior, they can lead to psychological and physical dependence.

"These generally undesirable characteristics of opioids can, however, become important in certain scenarios, such as drug substitution therapies. L’un des problèmes fondamentaux de l’abus de drogues illicites chez les toxicomanes («junkies») qui dépendent de l’absorption constante de drogues illicites telles que l’héroïne sont les activités criminelles liées à la drogue auxquelles ces toxicomanes ont recours pour recueillir suffisamment d’argent pour financer leur addiction. Les pressions constantes exercées sur les toxicomanes pour qu'ils se procurent de l'argent pour l'achat de drogues et les activités criminelles concomitantes sont de plus en plus reconnues comme un facteur majeur qui s'oppose au retrait et à l'abstinence efficaces et durables de la drogue. "

The patent states that the drug could be used in both drug replacement therapy and in the management of pain.

Purdue Pharma did not respond to requests for comment on the new drug, but in response to the complaint in Colorado, the company said, "We share the state's concerns about the opioid crisis. Bien que nos médicaments opioïdes représentent moins de 2% du total des ordonnances, nous continuerons à collaborer avec l’État en vue de trouver des solutions significatives pour relever ce défi de santé publique. "

The Washington Post

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