Crenshaw: SNL skit was "dark"


"The first part of this skit was just strange … The second part, I think, is the one where the night fell," Republican Dan Crenshaw, a congressional candidate in Texas's second district, told Alisyn Camerota , from CNN, on "New Day."

"We have thick skin, but as veterans, it's hard for us to understand why war wounds would cause such an audience laugh," he said, adding: "I think they should have rethought this joke a bit – if you can even call it a joke."

The joke, made by comedian Pete Davidson, came during a "SNL" segment in which Davidson gave his "First Impressions" appearances of several candidates.

"That guy is pretty cool, Dan Crenshaw," said Davidson at the show this weekend, next to a Crenshaw photo. "You may be surprised to learn that he is a Texas Congress nominee and not a hit in a porn movie."

"I'm sorry, I know he's lost an eye to the war, or whatever," he added.

& # 39; SNL & # 39; s & # 39; s Pete Davidson mocks the candidate who lost an eye in the explosion of IED in Afghanistan

Crenshaw, a Navy SEAL who completed five tours of duty, lost his right eye when he was hit by an IED in Helmand Province in 2012 during his third deployment, according to his campaign's website. The surgeries restored the sight in his left eye. He recovered and finally deployed twice more.

According to his biography, Crenshaw retired in 2016 with two bronze stars, the Purple Heart and the Navy Commendation Medal.

On Monday, he told Camerota that he was not going to apologize to Davidson.

"I'm not asking for an apology, he should probably apologize," said Crenshaw, adding, "I do not want any hollow excuses."

"I think he's been exposed – I think he's been exposed for who he really is," he said about Davidson. "I wish him good luck."

On Sunday, Crenshaw, who faces Democrat Todd Litton on Tuesday, reacted to the joke in a tweet by writing this: "I hope @nbcsnl recognizes that veterinarians do not deserve to see their wounds being used as a joke. for bad jokes. "

Crenshaw did suggest to Davidson and his SNL colleagues to help veterans.

"I think what he and the SNL producers should do is put their money together, calculate a figure – a million dollars – and we'll donate to a series of veterans without profit that helps them, "Crenshaw said, listing several organizations.

"Many veterans really need help and, frankly, that kind of thing shocks them," he told Camerota. "They feel ridiculed."

Crenshaw also told Camerota that he supported the deployment by President Donald Trump of thousands of soldiers to the southern border to prevent the entry of a large group of Central American migrants heading for her.

"We must prevent thousands of people from illegally crossing one side of our border," he said.

"If you just allow this to happen or we pretend that there is nothing to see there, we set a precedent, we set a dangerous precedent where no law is applied." in our country."

When Camerota told Crenshaw that the entry of migrants to the United States would not be chaotic because of the processes used to admit people, he expressed skepticism.

"Well, how do you know?" he asked Camerota.

"Well, because other so-called caravans came to the border in previous years and we treated them as asylum seekers (…), it was not not a crisis when he arrived at our border, "she replied.

"And maybe it will not be this time either," Crenshaw said. "But I do not think that not being prepared would hurt the American people."

CNN's Eric Levenson contributed to this report.

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