Critic candidate Pete Davidson of "SNL" about a joke on the eye patch


HOUSTON – A Texas Republican Congress nominee has blamed Pete Davidson, the comedian of "Saturday Night Live," for making fun of the wink that he wears after being seriously injured during his third tour in Afghanistan. as long as Navy SEAL.

Davidson said Saturday during the "Weekend Update" segment that Dan Crenshaw, whose picture had been posted, was "pretty cool," but that viewers might "be surprised that he's a Texas congressional candidate and not a hit in a porn movie ". "I'm sorry, I know that he lost an eye in the war or something else."

Crenshaw, running against Democrat Todd Litton for a free seat in the Houston suburbs, replied in a tweet Sunday, stating, "A good rule in life: I do my best not to offend; I do my best not to be offended. That being said, I hope @nbcsnl recognizes that veterinarians do not deserve to see their injuries used as punches for bad jokes. "

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