"Critical" Week to come for Brexit – and for British Prime Minister


LONDON – The beleaguered prime minister, Theresa May, warned on Sunday that a change of leadership would not facilitate negotiations over Brexit, opponents of her conservative party threatening to overthrow her and the former secretary of Brexit has suggested that she was not resisting the intimidation of the officials of the European Union.

While furious conservative rebels are trying to gather the numbers to trigger a vote of no confidence, May insists she did not consider resigning.

"A change of direction at this stage will not facilitate negotiations and will not change parliamentary arithmetic," she told Sky News.

May added that the next seven days "will play a crucial role" in the success of the Brexit negotiations and that she will travel to Brussels to meet with European leaders ahead of the European Council's emergency summit on 25 March. November.

Last week's announcement of Britain's signing of a draft agreement on divorce with the EU triggered a political crisis in Britain, which was violated by the opposition and by the United States. Conservative members of May. Two ministers and several junior members of the government resigned and more than 20 lawmakers submitted letters of censorship in May. Forty-eight of these letters – or 15% of Conservative lawmakers – are needed for a leadership challenge vote.

Asked about the attacks on her, May said, "It will not distract me. Politics is a difficult business and I have been working on it for a long time. "

Dominic Raab, who resigned Thursday as secretary of Brexit, said: "One element is missing: political will and resolution".

"If we can not conclude this agreement on reasonable terms, we must be very honest with the country: we will not be bribed, blackmailed or intimidated and we will not go, "he told the Sunday Times.

Many pro-Brexit conservatives want a clean break with the EU and argue that the close trade relations between the UK and the EU advocated in this deal would leave Britain to a vassal state without any way to disengage independently of the block.

The draft agreement provides for Britain to leave the EU as planned on March 29, while remaining in the block's single market and bound by its rules until the end of December 2020.

It also engages both parties in the controversial "support" solution, which would keep the UK in a customs arrangement with the EU until a permanent trade treaty is drawn up. This will ensure that the border between the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and Ireland, a member of the EU, remains free of customs checkpoints after Brexit.

Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn told Sky News on Sunday that his party would vote against the deal.

Sylvia Hui is an Associated Press Editor.

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