Critics criticize Kemp for posing for a photo with an anti-Muslim extremist


Brian Kemp's critics demanded he apologized for a photo that surfaced on Friday and that showed him posing with an anti-Muslim extremist wearing a shirt bearing: "Allah is not God and Mohammad is not his prophet. "

The Council on American-Islamic Relations launched the appeal after highlighting undated photo of Kemp posing with James Stachowiak, whom the group described as "well-known anti-Muslim extremist".

Kemp's campaign declined to comment on the photo CAIR posted here. The Republican is in a tight race for the governor against Democrat Stacey Abrams, whom he calls extremist for his progressive platform and out-of-state support.

The Democratic Party of Georgia has amplified criticism. The party's president, DuBose Porter, said the photo "tells you everything you need to know about the type of governor it would be" and criticized Kemp for failing to condemn Stachowiak's point of view.

"Georgians of all races will not represent Brian Kemp's retrograde program," he added.

Stachowiak is well known to the forces of order and civil rights groups.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has described it as "a longtime militia organizer and talk show host," who called for armed resistance if the government was trying to confiscate firearms.

The Georgia Capitol police issued a notice in April 2016 informing him that he was considering organizing an unauthorized anti-Islam rally to shred the Quran.

He also aroused outrage after harassing a US Air Force veteran speaking on behalf of Abrams at an event in Augusta earlier this year.

And Al-Jazeera reported that he had called on the US military to bomb Islamic holy places, urged the population to shoot protesters at Black Lives Matters and destroyed copies of the Qur'an in front of Georgia's mosques.


After finishing Republican Brian Kemp unveiled his plans for the final "victory road" weekly tour on Monday.

His previous bus tours have bypassed the Atlanta metro and other urban areas for the benefit of a series of mostly rural stops. This tour takes a different approach.

He will crisscross the territory of Republican friends in northern Georgia at the beginning of the tour before stopping several times in the suburbs of Atlanta. Columbus, Macon, Augusta, Savannah and Valdosta metro tours – some with Vice President Mike Pence – are also on the program.

Democrat Stacey Abrams will soon unveil the itinerary of her last tour before the November 6 election.


A surprise on Friday night: Stacey Abrams campaign staff and members of the Democratic Party held a press conference during a conference call by former Acting US Attorney General Sally Yates.

Former federal prosecutor of Atlanta, Yates became a left heroine after being sacked by President Donald Trump for refusing to defend his travel ban.

Since then, she has returned to the Atlanta-based law firm where she began her career – and remains an outspoken critic of Trump's policy.

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