Crowdfunding sites drive millions of people to fictitious treatments


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Researchers said Tuesday that generous but gullible people are sending millions of dollars to friends and foreigners who are raising money for unproven, even fictitious medical treatment.

They discovered over 1,000 websites that had raised nearly $ 7 million for people who needed help to get homeopathy, stem cell treatments and others doubtful treatments.

"When we selected five dangerous and naughty unnecessary interventions, we discovered that they had amassed a huge amount of money to help desperate people use them," said Art Caplan, bioethicist in New York. University.

"There is no doubt that there is a lot of generosity, but there is also no doubt that there are many people willing to rip off the desperate."

Dr. Ford Vox, a specialist in brain rehabilitation at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, said he noticed how many medical crowdfunding sites existed. He joined the medical ethics team at New York University to see what people were giving money to.

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