Cruel worker of Dunkin 'Donuts throws water on a man


A worker at a Dunkin 'Donuts in northwestern New York poured a pitcher of water on a sleeping customer inside the store – and then laughed at the soaked man while he was gathering his things.

A 36-second clip released Sunday night on Facebook shows an unidentified man being sprayed with water by a Dunkin 'Donuts employee who claimed to have repeatedly warned him about sleeping in the Syracuse restaurant.

"You are going to sleep?" Said the employee before soaking the man. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop sleeping here, my n-a? You are here all day, you have enough time [in here] … How often will customers and people tell you to stop sleeping here?

The employee then told the man that he had soaked it on purpose, saying he preferred to fend for himself.

"You know I do not play with you," said the worker. "And I will not call the cops like I said. You'll go out here.

The employee and a second man – not visible on the video – are then heard laughing loudly. The sequence ends as the man begins to collect his soaked stuff, including a cell phone.

Messages requesting comments from Dunkin 'Donuts representatives were not immediately returned early Monday.

The man seen on the video was identified on GoFundMe as Jeremy Youngs, but attempts to join him failed. A fundraiser set up to help after the soaked meeting had already exceeded $ 600 Monday afternoon.

A homeless defender in Syracuse also went to the store after watching the video and asked why the workers there had been disrespectful to one of his "friends without" ", reported

"We know as much as you guys," said an employee at Al-Amin Muhammad. "We do not think it's fair at all."

About 20 people gathered in front of the Dunkin Donuts on North Salina and East Division streets early Monday as a sign of protest, reports WSYR. Some of them had signs saying "Homelessness Matters" and "Homeless People Are Human," according to the channel.

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