Cruz ad takes over the role of O & # Rourke in the planning of the territory of El Paso


Beto O 'Rourke and Ted Cruz (photo by Pete Marovich / Getty Images and Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)

AUSTIN (KXAN) – A new digital advertisement of Senator Ted Cruz's re-election campaign will soon be broadcast on computer screens near you.

The tightening of polls represents the most pressing attack against the past of his Democratic opponent, MP Beto O. Rourke. Although there is some truth, advertising does not tell you the whole story.

"As El Paso City Councilor, Beto O 'Rourke used his position to push insider operations to the benefit of his own family" a narrator reads The announcement claims that O 'Rourke voted to use a prominent estate for a land-use planning project that his father-in-law would benefit from.

The project included a small part of the Segundo Barrio, a historic Hispanic neighborhood south of El Paso.

Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier wrote in a press release that "O'Rourke has shown total disregard for so many El Pasoans, ignoring their calls to recuse himself from voting for the project to enrich his own family. If he did not listen to the concerns of his constituents, Texans across the state can not trust him to listen to them now. "

These charges are not new against the Congressman. They were used against him in a 2012 attack announcement of his opponent at the time, Democrat Sylvestre Reyes.

All day long, KXAN has been digging through old articles, videos and controversy coverage by our El Paso station.

In the early 2000s, O & # Rourke lobbied for what was called the Downtown Plan to be part of the city's master plan.

Beto's father-in-law, Bill Sanders, was one of many business and civil society leaders to defend the plan through a group called the Paso Del Norte group. The people living in Segundo Barrio were unhappy that O & # 39; Rourke did not recuse himself from the votes on the issue.

Two complaints in the area of ​​ethics have been filed. However, they were fired and an ethics commission found no wrongdoing according to El Paso newspaper articles at the time.

But what about the eminent domain? A former board member said the announcement Cruz was out of context.

"This really laid the foundation for all the investment you've seen in downtown El Paso since then," Susie Byrd said about the idea. She is a former member of the city council who served with O & # 39; Rourke.

She said in 2006, he supported the option of taking private land if needed to get rid of unreliable landlords. However, after the rejection of the community, Mrs. O. Rourke voted with the rest of the council to ban an eminent domain during the first year of the final proposal.

"We removed that from the table when we finally adopted," she said. "It was based on a lot of feedback from the community and we realized it was a huge distraction."

Did his stepfather take advantage? Sanders and O & # 39; Rourke were quoted at the time saying that any profit would go to a non-profit downtown. However, the project never fully materialized. KXAN has found no record of Sanders or O 'Rourke taking advantage of it.

A new CNN analysis predicts that the Texas Senate race may be closer than originally thought. This race in Texas has been described as a "probable" Republican victory. Now the race is listed as "Republican Skinny". It's just a step away from "tossing".

The Emerson College poll released last week shows Cruz at one point more than O 'Rourke. Twenty percent of registered voters are still undecided.

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