Cruz: "If Beto wins, BBQ will be illegal"


Republican Senator Ted Cruz, who is fighting for his seat with Democratic Rep. Beto O. Rourke, angered his opponent Sunday in a warning to Texas voters: "If Beto wins, the BBQ will be illegal!"

This is what, according to Cruz, is at stake for Texans, known for their love of barbecue, during the November elections, during which Democrats have the opportunity to win a critical seat in the Senate.

The day before, a demonstration of Cruz's campaign in the city of Columbus, met protesters from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, serving tofu, prompting a warning from the Republican senator, reported Austin-Statesman.

"When I arrived here, it was said that even PETA was protesting and distributing grilled tofu, so I must say that they summed up the elections: if Texas elects a Democrat, they will ban the barbecue in the state of Texas, "said Cruz to supporters, according to the newspaper.

Seizing the opportunity, Cruz thanked the protesters for bringing the problem to the event. "You want to talk about a problem to mobilize people, and I'm talking about everyone," he said, drawing laughter from the participants.

"So I want to thank PETA, and I want to tell PETA that you're going to have to reveal to the FEC that by coming in and protesting and giving tofu, you made an in-kind contribution to my campaign by demonstrating to how bad things can be, "he said.

Catherine Frazer, spokesperson for Cruz's campaign, said the senator "laughed with his audience" and that "his speech was very well received".

PETA, however, was not there to represent O 'Rourke's campaign and did not say a word about the ban on meat, according to the newspaper. But their message was always political. One of the demonstrator's signs was: "Republicans also eat tofu".

In a statement, the animal rights organization said it had stood up to protest Mr. Cruz's remarks a week ago about the Liberals 'willingness to change Texas' values.

"We are seeing tens of millions of dollars pouring into the state of Texas since Liberals across the country desperately want to turn the state of Texas into blue," said Cruz. "They want us to be like California, up to tofu, silicon and dyed hair."

Cruz added that his wife, Heidi Cruz, was a "Californian vegetarian".

"She is wonderful, but I took her to the great state of Texas," Cruz said.

PETA, however, defended tofu in a statement, announcing they would protest Cruz's comments about the Liberals' culinary intentions and hand out bean curd samples, like barbecue, outside of Cruz's campaign. .

"Tofu is the most versatile food on the planet and it is grown in the state of Lone Star," said PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "PETA is convinced that once Ted Cruz has tasted the taste of tofu, he will want to see it in every pot of Texas," the statement said.

Both Cruz and O & Rourke's campaigns did not respond to CNN's request, and it is unclear whether Cruz tasted – let alone appreciated – the grilled tofu in question.

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