Cruz softens ObamaCare attacks, highlighting the change of government


Sen. Ted CruzRafael (Ted) Edward CruzThe protesters confront each other at Kavanaugh Airport in front of Cruz, O 'Rourke targets Cruz with several attack ads a day after the debate Countdown to the elections: O & # 39; Rourke goes on the attack | Remember the second heated debate in the Texas Senate | Heitkamp apologizes for misidentifying victims of abuse | Trump Jr. rallies challenger Manchin | Rick Scott leaves a trail to deal with the damage caused by Hurricane PLUS (R-Texas) is committed to protecting people with pre-existing illnesses during a debate Tuesday night, illustrating how far Republicans have radically changed their stance on the issue.

Cruz is perhaps best known for stubbornly opposing ObamaCare every turn. But now, faced with a surprisingly difficult re-election run against Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D), he is speaking out in favor of one of ObamaCare's core provisions: the protection of people with pre-existing disorders.

In his speech on Tuesday, O'Rourke said that Cruz "is committed to repeal the protections for pre-existing conditions," said Cruz saying: "Not true." Cruz then said in his closing statement that it "would protect pre-existing conditions".

These remarks mark a major change for Cruz, who had previously called for the repeal of ObamaCare's "every word", including the protections provided by the law against people already suffering from pre-existing disorders who are denied coverage or seen charge higher premiums because of their condition.

His comments this week also highlight how Republicans in tough races, from Cruz to other states and districts, realize that they are vulnerable on the subject.

The Democrats rejected Cruz's recent pledge by citing his criminal record and claiming he was simply lying about his support for pre-existing protections. The experts, for their part, stressed the importance of its adherence to an essential aspect of the Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare.

"Ted Cruz's national aspirations were based on the fact that he was the Darth Vader of ObamaCare. It is therefore a major shift in position, "said Brandon Rottinghaus, professor of political science at the University of Houston.

Rottinghaus said it might be difficult for voters to believe that Cruz suddenly wanted to maintain the protections relating to pre-existing conditions, but added that Cruz was reacting to a changing political landscape, where Democrats now have the feeling to have the advantage over the issue and hammer Republicans across the country for their previous votes to repeal the protections.

"It surprises the credibility of saying that he now wants to move up a gear and cover pre-existing conditions," Rottinghaus said. "It's obvious that it's a change [due] to radical change of opinion on this issue in the last two years. "

The health care legislation introduced by Cruz in 2015, titled Health Care Choice Act, would have repealed Title I of ObamaCare, the section of the 2010 law that includes its pre-existing protections. The proposal for the main replacement of the bill would instead make it possible to sell insurance to all the states.

Two years earlier, he led an effort to disengage ObamaCare, resulting in a 17-day government shutdown, including a famous Senate speech against the law in the Senate that lasted more than 21 hours in a row.

During Tuesday's debate, Cruz did not specify whether he wished to retain the protections relating to pre-existing conditions in ObamaCare or whether he had another proposal.

His campaign did not respond to a request for more details on his position on pre-existing conditions.

Cruz is not the only GOP candidate this year to commit to protecting pre-existing conditions. Republicans across the country are struggling to say that they support these protections.

But Cruz stands out above all for his efforts to cancel these protections. During last year's debate on the repeal of the Senate, Cruz fought to include a provision known as the Cruz Amendment, which would allow insurers to sell plans that could discriminate against people with diseases pre-existing conditions, provided that the insurers also sell separate plans. offered the protections.

Cruz fought for this amendment despite the concerns of some GOP colleagues. Health care experts warned at the time that his proposal would divide the market and increase premiums for sick people who remained in ObamaCare-compliant plans.

The Democrats strongly push Cruz after Tuesday's remarks.

"Cruz mentioned pre-existing conditions, but he still AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN tried to remove the protections for those who had pre-existing conditions", O & # 39; Rourke tweeted.

Democratic strategist Jesse Ferguson tweeted: "Lying Ted. He literally closed [government] in his crusade to repeal these protections for [people] with pre-existing conditions. "

Cruz is not the only passionate foe of ObamaCare to get caught up in the debate about pre-existing conditions.

Representative Dave Brat (R-Va.) Spent a good part of last year repealing ObamaCare's provision preventing insurers from increasing premiums for people with pre-existing illnesses. He and other members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus Group opposed the ObamaCare GOP's original repeal and replacement bill last year, in part because he left this legislation behind. protection in place.

Brat, also in a tough re-election race, is now accusing her Democratic opponent, Abigail Spanberger, lied when she declared that he was participating in an "assault on pre-existing conditions".

The spokesman for the Brat election campaign did not answer the question of whether Brat was still repealing the ObamaCare protection that prevents people with pre-existing illnesses from being charged higher premiums.

Asked about Cruz's position, Larry Levitt, a health policy expert with the Kaiser Family Foundation, said it was unclear whether Republicans were proposing to retain the full range of ObamaCare protections for pre-existing diseases.

"We are clearly seeing a change in rhetoric about the pre-existing conditions of Republican candidates, but it remains to be seen if this reflects a real shift in political positions," said Levitt. "The details of the policy matter a lot if people with pre-existing conditions are really protected, so it's hard to judge based on the focus points of the campaign."

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