Cruz vs Beto debate program: when are the three debates?


Ted Cruz vs. Beto O'Rourke


Ted Cruz vs. Beto O'Rourke

Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke have agreed to three debates, and the first is coming quickly. Here is a quick summary of when their three debates take place.

The first debate is this Friday at 18 pm Central

The first debate will take place this Friday, Sept. 21 at the SMF's McFarlin Auditorium in Dallas, Texas. The debate will begin at 6 pm Central and last one hour. This moderate debate will focus on domestic politics. O'Rourke and Cruz will have 90 seconds to answer the questions and 60 seconds for an answer, plus 30 seconds for a refutation of the answer.

This debate will be broadcast on and, and will also be held in front of a live audience. It will be broadcast live on NBC 5 and KXAN.

Participants in this debate are Julie Fine, NBC 5 political reporter, and Gromer Jeffers, political editor of Dallas Morning News.

During this debate, Cruz and O'Rourke will stand before an audience of 240 people.

The second debate is on Sunday, September 30th at the University of Houston at 6 pm Central

The second debate is scheduled for Sunday, September 30th at the University of Houston at 6 pm. Central. It will take one hour and the debate will be televised. The debate is organized by ABC 13 and Univision 45. You can submit questions to candidates here.

This debate will be of "town hall" style and will focus on domestic politics. The debate will take place in front of an audience of about 250 people. It will be broadcast live on and broadcast on ABC 13 and Univision. The exact location of the debate has not yet been finalized.

The third debate Cruz vs Beto is Tuesday, October 16 in San Antonio

Finally, the third debate is scheduled for Tuesday, October 16 in San Antonio. It will be broadcast live in front of a television studio audience. The weather has not been announced yet. This debate will again honor the candidates in front of 120 people. The debate will be divided between domestic and foreign policy.

READ NEXT: Why are the results of the latest Beto and Cruz polls so different? Learn more about polls here.

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