Cryptocurrency millionaire wants to build a utopia in Nevada


STOREY COUNTY, Nev. – A huge parcel of land in the Nevada desert – larger than the nearby city of Reno – has been the subject of local intrigue since a no-nonsense company, Blockchains LLC, bought it $ 170 million in cash this year.

The company's owner, Jeffrey Berns, a lawyer and millionaire in the field of cryptocurrency, put on a helmet and boarded a Polaris all-terrain vehicle last week to tour the vast property. and dispel the mystery a bit.

He imagines a kind of experimental community spread over a hundred square kilometers, where houses, schools, commercial districts and production studios will be built. The centerpiece of this giant project will be the blockchain, a new database introduced by Bitcoin.

After his driver stopped the Polaris on a desert high plateau, surrounded by flowering rabbits and a herd of wild horses, Mr. Berns, 56, highlighted the strengths of his community. dream.

"You see this first mountain range," he said, pointing south. "These mountains are the border of our southern valley. That's where we will build the High Tech Park, "a research campus covering hundreds of acres. It is also planned to create a college and an online games arena.

As strange – even fantastic – as all this may seem, Berns' ambitions fit perfectly into the idiosyncratic world of crypto-currencies and blockchains.

The blockchain started as a large digital book on which all Bitcoin transactions are recorded. Some aficionados have grandiose projects. They think that this could be a new way of regaining power to the institutions they think are calling every time.

Just as Bitcoin has made it possible to transfer money without using a bank, Blocchain supporters like Berns think technology will allow citizens to control their own data – the driving force behind the digital economy – not to mention big business or governments. .

But he is different from his crypto brothers: he spends his own money. Until now, he said, he spent $ 300 million on land, offices, planning and 70 people. And buying 67,000 acres largely underdeveloped is a bit of an old-fashioned, real estate risk.

Nevertheless, Mr. Berns said his ambition was not to become a real estate mogul, nor even to become rich – or richer. It promises to yield all the decision-making power of the project and 90% of the dividends it generates to a business structure owned by residents, employees and prospective investors. This structure, which he calls a "distributed collaborative entity", is supposed to work on a blockchain where the property rights and the voting powers of each will be recorded in a digital wallet.

Mr. Berns acknowledged that all this goes well beyond what blockchains have actually accomplished. But that did not discourage him.

"I do not know why," he said about the roar of the Polaris engine. "I come – something in me tells me that's the answer, that if we can have enough people to trust the blockchain, we can begin to change all the systems by which we operate."

Berns succeeded in convincing local officials eager for economic development. Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval read a statement proclaiming Blockchains' "innovation park" last month, during which Mr. Berns sat on a round table with the governor and Elon Musk, General Manager of Tesla.

Blockchains has already received preliminary county support for a new city along the Truckee River, with thousands of homes, a school and drone delivery system, and is working closely with the county on a broader master plan.

But for now, Blockchains is an empty lot and a converted office building. Mr. Berns said the company would not start building the property before the end of 2019 at the earliest, after developing the master plan and having it approved by the county.

The head of the office of the former Berns law firm in Los Angeles, Joanna Rodriguez, moved with her four children and her husband to Nevada.

"He has these crazy ideas – but I know that every time he thinks of something, he will succeed," said Ms. Rodriguez, 29, who has been working with Mr. Berns for eight years and who is now the Director of Blockchains. Nevada office. "That's why I decided to move."

Mr. Berns has spent most of his professional life in class actions, often against financial corporations. He learned about the existence of Bitcoin in 2012, but was conquered by another cryptocurrency, Ethereum, which stores more than just transaction data on a blockchain.

Mr. Berns bought Ether, the digital token associated with Ethereum, at a big sale in 2015. Thanks to an astronomical increase in Ether's price and a well-operated sale the year before it collapsed, he became rich enough to finance his dream. project.

Ethereum is, according to him, what makes his community more than a gigantic real estate project. Understand why requires more than a little imagination. And faith. Each resident and employee will have an Ethereum address, which they will use to vote on local measures and keep their personal data.

Berns believes that Ethereum will give people a way to control their identity and data online without involving any government or business.

This is a widely shared view in the blockchain community, but the question of whether any of them can work in the real world is important. Most blockchain companies have failed to gain ground and the Ethereum and Bitcoin networks have struggled to handle even moderate traffic.

Berns thinks one of the big problems is security. People have been terrible to hold the private keys needed to access a Bitcoin or Ethereum wallet.

He wants to solve this problem with a custom system in which the private keys of users are stored on multiple digital devices, in vaults, so that one device can not access the keys. He has already purchased vaults buried in the Swedish and Swedish mountains and plans to build additional vaults in the Nevada mountains.

According to Berns, the other problem that has slowed down Ethereum is the lack of laboratories in the real world. He hopes his Nevada land will change that.

"It will be the most important thing of all time, the most spectacular crash in the history of humanity," said Berns. "I do not know which. I think it's the first one, but in any case it will be a hell of a walk. "

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