CSIRO invests $ 16 million in space research that is not an Australian stargate


CSIRO today announced a $ 35 million investment in space technology and AI research in Australia. This investment is part of the portfolio of scientific platforms for the future of the National Science Agency, which was launched
in 2016.

The bulk of the investment will go to artificial intelligence and machine learning, with the goal of finding an artificial intelligence solution for the quality of food safety, health and safety. well-being, energy and sustainable resources, the environment and Australian security.

However, the remaining 16 million will be devoted to space technology. Unfortunately, this research will not focus on building Australia, its own Stargate. I know, I feel your pain.

Instead, initial research would focus on advanced technologies for Earth observation.

A little further, we will also examine the tracking of space objects, the use of space resources, as well as the development of survival and manufacturing systems for missions to Mars and the Moon.

Space Agency for Australia: here's why it's important

Further details on the federal government's commitment to create an Australian space agency are expected in this week's budget.

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Space technology and artificial intelligence and machine learning are just the latest areas added to the portfolio of scientific platforms of the future.

It also includes:

  • Active integrated matter
  • Deep Earth Imaging
  • Digiscape
  • Environment
  • Hydrogen energy systems
  • Precision Health
  • Survey biosystems
  • Synthetic biology

This $ 16 million injection into Australian space research follows the $ 26 million allocated in this year's federal budget to enable the creation of an Australian space agency. The agency hopes to triple the size of the Australian space sector to 10 to 20 billion dollars by 2030.

"Our future science platforms are designed to turn Australia's challenges into opportunities for new science to overcome seemingly impossible hurdles to give it an unfair advantage on the world stage," said CSIRO Executive Director Larry Marshall. .

"Because innovation requires close collaboration, our FSPs bring together world-class expertise in all areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to provide real-world solutions to real-world problems."

"CSIRO is here to solve Australia's greatest challenges through innovative science and technology, and we need to invest in deep thinking and breakthrough research that will keep us ahead of the curve." time."

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