Cuomo accuses Trump of "stirring up racism" after a violent clash involving right-wing "Proud Boys"


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) on Sunday called on the FBI to investigate violent clashes related to the right-wing "Proud Boys" group.

In a statement, Cuomo accused President TrumpDonald John TrumpDave Chappelle: Trump's address to a very small choir in an "eclectic" country Three reasons why Mueller refuses to charge Trump with obstruction The Alabama grocery store says he does not sell Pepsi products bearing the NFL logo to counter knee manifestations MORE for the "hate and violence" that he related to the altercations.

"In the end, I hold the president accountable for demonizing differences, stirring up the flames of racism and division and creating a fire of hate and violence," Cuomo said.


"These despicable acts of racism, division and discrimination are contrary to American values ​​and have no place in our state," he added.

Three men were arrested Friday for assault and theft after a speech by Proud Boys' founder, Gavin McInnes.

The New York Police Department investigates.

Cuomo also asked the hate crimes unit of the state police to share information and resources with the NYPD and the FBI.

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