Cuomo holds a massive lead over Nixon as a primary approach


New incumbent president Andrew Cuomo has a 41-point lead over rival Cynthia Nixon ahead of Thursday's presidential election, according to a new poll released on Monday.

Cuomo has extended his lead over actress-activist Nixon from 63% to 22% among likely Democratic primary voters in the Siena College poll, up from 60% to 29% by the end of July.

But the race to the Attorney General is open: MP Sean Patrick Maloney, who launched a blizzard of TV commercials, has the support of 25%, followed by public lawyer Letitia James with 24% and Professor Zephyr Teachout with 18%. Leecia Eve has 3% with about a third of voters still undecided, according to the survey.

"They are at a distance from each other. It comes down to two questions: who can get undecided voters in their column and which campaign is best at convincing their supporters? "Said Steven Greenberg, Siena pollster.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul leads challenger Jumaane Williams to 43% to 21%, against 30-21% in July, although 35% remain undecided.

In the governor's race, Cuomo – who will end up spending $ 20 million on his first campaign since July – occupies a prominent place in all areas of the state, in both sexes and in all age and sex groups. race.

The governor is ahead of Nixon from 68% to 18% in the highly democratic city of New York, with a margin of 50 points. It leads in the decrepit suburbs 59-22 and in the east of the country 59-27.

Cuomo is up 66% to 18% in women and 59 to 28 years, or two to one, in men.

According to the poll, Cuomo has reinforced his support among two key Democratic constituencies – Blacks and Latinos. The Blacks bring Cuomo to 84% to only 7% for Nixon, while Hispanics prefer the governor to 76% to 15% for the challenger.

Of whites, 58% go to Cuomo and 26% to Nixon.

According to the poll in Siena, even the youngest progressive voters aged between 18 and 34 prefer two to one. Among voters aged 55 and older, Cuomo leads from 70 to 19%.

"While the Nixon campaign has talked about increased participation among newer, younger, and more progressive voters, it does not seem to help, even as the participation of these groups increases," Greenberg said. .

Cuomo also leads among self-declared Liberals, from 65% to 24%.

Cuomo's campaign covered the airwaves with ads, including the approval of former Vice President Joe Biden, and showed him blowing up President Trump. He also has almost the support of the unions.

The Nixon campaign, which does not have Cuomo's resources, did not broadcast expensive traditional television and radio ads and focused on social media advertising and a local network of the left, including Working Families Party.

Nixon's campaign rejected the poll and said the gaffes of the governor and the Cuomo-controlled Democratic Party over the last few days had changed support in his own way.

"Once again, we have seen polls miss the target of this election cycle – from Andrew Gillum's victory in Florida to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Dana Balter here in New York. They miss the new electorate – people of all ages and races who have traditionally escaped the primaries, but are now motivated to fight for radical change after the Democratic Party failed to overtake Donald Trump. " said Lauren Hitt.

But the survey highlighted fundamental challenges for Nixon.

By a margin of 59-22, New York Dems said the state is on the right track, not going in the wrong direction.

The two main problems that Nixon faced Cuomo are the subway system and education plagued by problems. But she did not break, according to the poll.

Asked which candidate would be best able to "repair New York's infrastructure, including public transit, roads and bridges," 65% chose Cuomo and 21%, Nixon. With regard to the improvement of public education, Dems favored Cuomo 55-29.

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