Curiosity runs on backup during main processor repairs


The Curiosity mobile has two brains, that is, the A side and the B side, which are not two halves of a brain, but two identical central processing systems that can function in the congregation or be autonomous as needed. .

The computer change took place earlier this week and will allow engineers to gather the data they need to diagnose the problem, putting Curiosity out of service since September 15th.

In a new message, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory explains that he has asked Curiosity to switch to his backup computer so that engineers can better understand a very strange problem. These computers are known as Side-A and Side-B. But the rover handlers have finally been able to turn the side A computer back into working order. "After considering several options, JPL engineers recommended that the mobile move from side B to side A, the computer initially used by the mobile after landing."

The mobile transmits limited data when it is connected to a relay orbiter or Deep Space Network antenna. In addition to this technical problem, the mobile is in good health and in its normal mode.

"We spent last week reviewing Face A and preparing it for the exchange," said Steven Lee of JPL, Curiosity's Assistant Project Manager. Planned missions can be run continuously on side A if necessary, but the team wants to fix and return to the B side computer problem due to the larger memory size.

The Mars Curiosity Rover problem with long-term memory. Yesterday, Curiosity is temporarily spent on the computer side A. Hopefully after the mobile has changed brain, it will help scientists to diagnose the problem, but the Curiosity team has it. plan to use the B-side computer again as soon as possible. When the rover was sent to Mars, the Side-A was activated. However, in February 2013, after completing floor 200 on Mars, the Side-A brain began to present a problem because it could not take any command from the command. center on Earth. "But our plan is to go back to face B as soon as we can solve the problem in order to use its larger memory size.

The researchers believe that Curiosity could resume data collection as soon as it starts analyzing samples from Mars.

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