Curt Schilling upset did not invite "Some Weak Men" to participate in the first launch of the 2004 World Series of Red Sox


Last night, seven members of the 2004 Boston Red Sox World Series were at the opening of the second game of the World Series. Not included among them? Curt Schilling, who lives in the area.

Schilling later turned to Facebook, noting that he had noticed a trend on Twitter and had sought to find out why. He then complained of being left out of the ceremony, admitting that his feelings were hurt "in a sense". Later, he said "

Schilling has been a lightning rod since the end of his career, often sharing political views that have attracted attention, and being also involved in a lawsuit with the state of Rhode Island for his business dealings.

Dan Shaughnessy quoted a team executive who acknowledged that the team had chosen not to reach out to Schilling, who had been inducted into the team's Hall of Fame there is six years in the course of the event, but that "it is not out of spite. "

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