Cyber ​​Monday expected to reach $ 7.8 billion in online sales – TechCrunch


Cyber ​​Monday 2018 is expected to be the best selling day of the holiday season this year, with $ 7.8 billion in online sales. And no wonder: after a weekend of juggling between online shopping and in-store shopping, and in-store discussions, many are returning to work. And so, we see a significant shift for online shopping.

Adobe – which tracks billions of online transactions among leading online retailers in the United States – is forecasting online sales of $ 7.8 billion today, an increase of nearly 18% over the previous year. figure of 2017, which was 6.6 billion.

From 7 am Pacific Standard Time / 10 am EST Monday, this forecast appears to be on track. Adobe claims that consumers have already spent more than half a billion dollars, especially $ 0.531 billion, on online retailers. (He will continue to update this number throughout the day and we will do so as well.)

The report also suggests that cyber Monday will be the best day to buy toys online, with savings of 19% on this category of products. Some clothes, however, may be out of stock, explains Adobe.

While holiday spending began on Black Friday, ecommerce and the trend of shopping anytime (and not just when a store is open) have resulted in seasonal promotions and promotions, as well as purchases, more and sooner. Up to now, $ 44.2 billion has been spent online, already exceeding the $ 43 billion forecast for the full month.

Until now, the most important day of the year has been Black Friday, where US online sales reached $ 6.2 billion, more than a third of which came from 39, mobile devices. Thanksgiving recorded a record $ 3.7 billion in sales this year, while one of the newest "shopping holidays," Small Business Saturday, recorded a $ 3.02 billion increase in sales. online sales, said Adobe, up 25.5%.

But these are only estimates and you are therefore forced to undergo many variations.

MasterCard provides a slightly more conservative figure: its SpendingPulse analysis predicts that total sales "could exceed" $ 3 billion. He also estimated that last year's Cyber ​​Monday sale day did not bring in more than $ 2.4 billion.

Although Adobe claims to build its estimates by following the transactions of 80 of the largest online retailers in the US, Mastercard tells us that SpendingPulse uses "national retail sales for all types of payments in select markets to worldwide. The findings are based on the overall sales activity in the Mastercard payment network, combined with survey-based estimates for some other payment methods, such as cash and checks. "

The real numbers may be somewhere in the middle.

Additional report: Sarah Perez

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