Cynthia Nixon to supporters in the concession speech: "You will change America"


Cynthia Nixon admitted to being defeated on Thursday in her high-profile challenge to become the next governor of New York, but she said that despite her defeat, her campaign had "fundamentally changed the political landscape" in the state.

"This campaign has changed expectations about what is possible in New York," said Nixon, an actress and advocate of education. "We have put issues of racial and economic justice at the forefront. We highlighted the inequalities and drew the attention of the media to the forgotten communities of this state. "

Current governor Andrew Cuomo won the Democratic nomination for the third time on Thursday, despite a major challenge from Nixon's progressive side. He had collected a large war chest in the primary, raising more than $ 35 million from Nixon's $ 2.5 million. He now faces Republican candidate Marcus Molinaro.

"He fought hard, and he took nothing for granted in this race, and when others underestimated us, he did not do it," he said. said Nixon about Cuomo. "And he spent accordingly."

Nixon had campaigned on several major progressive platforms, including the legalization of marijuana, the fixation of a besieged public transportation system in New York and the fight against climate change. The pledges, popular among many progressives, forced Cuomo to turn left during his own campaign and saw the governor restore the voting rights of parolees and issue a favorable opinion on the legalization of marijuana.

"The generation that is maturing at Obama and Trump America is one of the most progressive generations in history," Nixon wrote on Twitter after the election. "You will change America – and for the first time in our history, create a nation that belongs to all of us."

She continued, "Thank you all for believing and fighting and leaving everything on the ground. We started something here in New York, and it does not end today. This is only the beginning. And I know that together we will win this fight.

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