D.C.-Intended area: intense heat this weekend and early in the week


* Orange Air Quality Code on Saturdays *

A somewhat subjective note of the time of day, on a scale of 0 to 10.

3/10: I may overestimate the day since I know we need space to go from the front.


Today: Rather sunny. High: 92-97.
Tonight: Mainly cleared. Low fog: Mid-60 to mid-1970.
Tomorrow: Rather sunny. High: from the mid-90s to around 100.

See weather at Washington Post headquarters


The Independence Day period is often a scorcher over here, and this year seems to be far from being different. We contemplate the hottest and longest heat wave this summer up to now. Temperatures can reach nearly 100 in some places for three to four days in a row. Keep these ACs buzzing

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Today (Saturday): It is one of those days when you go out early in the morning and you quickly know it will be a scorcher. Prepare for this to continue a few days! The skies are usually sunny, although they are not very clear as a mist begins to form. Also building: high heat and humidity. Temperatures vary during the 90s during the afternoon, possibly making the 90s downtown. Heat indices are near and above 100 at the peak. It's hard to totally rule out an isolated storm, but I think they'll be confined to rising to the west, in whatever form it is. Winds from the south at about 5 mph. Confidence: Grande

Tonight that night: The sky remains mostly clear during the night. The exception may be in a few places that see scattered fog develop as temperatures near the dew point late at night. There is a fairly wide range of temperatures because we are heavy but not too oppressive. Mid-60s in cool places in the mid-70s in town. Confidence: High

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Tomorrow (Sunday): There is not much difference in the horizon, compared to today # 39; hui. The skies are again rather sunny, although perhaps more and more cloudy in a mist that thickens. In addition to a touch more haze, there is a little more heat and moisture. Just what we needed! The highs are from the mid-90s to around 100. We can approach the heat advice criteria with heat indices perhaps as high as 105 or higher. Yuck. Winds blow from the south around 5 to 10 mph. Once again, an isolated storm may appear just in the face of extreme heat and humidity. Probably mainly on the rise to the west. Confidence: High

Tomorrow evening: The soup becomes more soup. At night, the main impact is warmer temperatures. Almost everyone should stay in the 70s, and we could tickle those 80-degree lows in the city. A touch or two of fog is possible in the morning. Confidence: Medium-High


This is a sadly very persistent stretch of very high heat and humidity. The sun remains dominant in the first period of the week, with both Monday and Tuesday also likely to be characterized mainly by a partly sunny sky. If this is not enough to excite you, moisture levels can continue to climb slowly throughout the period. The highs are mostly in the mid 90s at around 100. Any chance of a storm is minimal, although the odds tend to increase each day as we arrive on Tuesday and beyond. Confidence: Medium-High

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