D.J. A Juror of the Washington Redskins: the defense to blame


ARLINGTON, Texas – The Washington Redskins needed more defense from them. The defense failed to deliver. What was then blamed on D.J. Jurer.

The fiery Swearinger did not speak after a 23-21 loss to the Houston Texans last week. But he had a lot to say after the 31-23 defeat at the Dallas Cowboys on Thursday.

"We are losing two straight games because of the defense," said Swearinger. "It's not a foul, man, Defense, we lost the game We lost the match against the defense two weeks in a row – the defense You want to be a championship defense, you have to keep that weight on your back.

"If you want to be a regular defense, man, that does not mean anything to you, but until you have that champion mentality as a defender, it's going to happen like that, week after week, when you play against good teams. "

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The Redskins defense gave the Cowboys 404 yards and saw receiver Amari Cooper capture eight passes for 180 yards. He scored 40- and 90-yard touchdowns, breaking both tack and defense. Elsewhere Ezekiel Elliott rushed for 121 yards, becoming the first player to leap 100 yards against Washington this season.

In seven games, the Redskins defense ranked fourth in yards and fifth in points. In the last four weeks, they placed 27th and 16th in points. They lost three of those games.

"We can do everything we have on teams that are not good – as I said, against Tampa, we can do what we want on teams that are not good," said Swearinger . "But when you have teams that can play with you, you have to get ready, you have to tackle it, you have to do the simple things, and if you do not do things right, you'll be embarrassed on national television."

That's exactly what happened – again. The Redskins lost to New Orleans 43-19 in a game played Monday night in October. Explosions such as this one on a national scene have tamed all the enthusiasm generated by the Redskins, locally or nationally.

"That's why we are not respected as Redskins – we do not do the simple s – well," Swearinger said. "We do things simple – that's right, I guarantee you that we get respect, so we do not need respect, I see why we are disrespectful, because we do not win. the big game We have to win the big game The only way to win the big game is to get ready for the big game It's every day and it must be in your heart. "

Swearinger has been an emotional spokesman for the Redskins after the games. He often speaks after defeats, placing blame more on generalities than on details. He wants the team to adopt a certain state of mind.

"That's laughing — man, that's — for the birds when you lose," said Swearinger. "If you lose, if you're not a championship team, that's not a reason to enter the building and laugh – unless that means a lot to If you do it with all your heart, it will make sense for you when you enter this building after losing two consecutive games.

"But you know, my mentality is different, so I can only talk about how I feel about it and what we have to do, but it's disappointing."

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