Daily Horoscope October 21: Your astrological sign in reading, astrology, zodiacal forecasting | Bizarre | New


The growing gibbous moon is slowly moving towards full enlightenment on Wednesday, October 24th.

Today, the Moon is illuminated at about 83% and crosses the 12th zodiac sign of Pisces.

In astrology, Pisces are considered as a basic sign of the water that governs the planet of Neptune.

Those born under the sign of Pisces are supposed to be compassionate, artistic, wise and perhaps even musical.

On the other hand, Pisces can often be subject to fear, sadness and over-reliance on others.

Today, however, Pisces could be part of the "sweetest combinations" thanks to the Sun in Libra.

According to astrologer Debra Silverman of Astrology Answers, Libra is ruled by Venus, Pisces is ruled by Venus and the Moon is right next to Neptune tonight.

Together, this combination of celestial alignments creates a "double effect of a very Venusian energy".

The astrologer said: "Libra, by nature, have the gift of charm.

"They make everyone feel good, they smile, they make quality compliments, they look so sweet and their colors match.

"So Pisces are so sweet and gentle in their sweetness – they do not speak as much – but the combination is like making collages, or decorating or putting on the right clothes or putting the right candles and creating an atmosphere.

"The Fish-Scale would be a great stage artist who assembles the hall or makes it sacred and puts candles and incense.

"And if you're wondering what to do during this weekend, get yourself a dream board."

Dream or vision boards are collages of images and images organized to represent your passions and desires.

You can use a dream board to inspire you or motivate you to work harder towards a goal, a dream or a travel destination.

Dr. Silverman said that creating a dream painting today will help you use your creative ideas, combined with the visual powers of Pisces.

She said, "You combine visuals with ideas and you imagine things.

"I always encourage clients to make a dream picture when you feel stuck.

"The current energy, because Mars is in Aquarius, is asking us to create and that's really what's happening right now.

"So, if I were you this weekend, I would go looking for magazines and start dreaming."

Click here to find out more about your daily life horoscope of astrologer Russell Grant.

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