Daily use of aspirin can cut down risk of liver cancer | fitness


Regular use of aspirin – defined as a second or more standard-dose tablets for a week – can reduce the risk of developing cancer, claim. The study led by Harvard Medical School based researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States of America (http://www.hc-sc.gov.on.ca/english/index.html). Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide.

"HCC, compared to low-risk aspirin, increases the risk of progression and increases the dose of aspirin," said Tracey Simon, a fellow research fellow at Massachusetts. General Hospital.

"Since regular use has increased the risk of increased bleeding, the next step in this study is to have an impact on populations with established liver disease," Simon added.

While HCC is relatively rare, its mortality rates accelerate faster than those of any other cancer. The primary risk factor for HCC is cirrhosis – which can be caused by hepatitis B or C infection, alcohol use disorder or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. HCC is usually diagnosed at a late stage, leading to an average survival time of less than a year.

Aspirin is known to inhibit the production of inflammatory lipids and to prevent them from occurring.

In the study published in the journal JAMA Oncology, researchers reviewed compiled since the 1980s.

As part of the biennial questionnaires, participants were asked whether they had aspirin on a regular basis, how many standard-dose (325 mg) tablets they took a week and for how long. Among the 133,300 participants whose data was analyzed – over 45,800 women and 87,500 men – regular aspirin use, defined as two or more standard-dose tablets a week, to a relative risk of developing HCC.

Among those taking aspirin for five years or more, the relative risk was reduced by 59%. Aspirin has been discontinued, disappearing by eight years after aspirin use was halted. Regular use of acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen had no impact on HCC risk.

"The long duration of aspirin could be needed because of the growth of cancer. Aspirin may act at the earliest stages of cancer development, or even at precancerous stages, by delaying or preventing inflammation or liver fibrosis, "Simon said.

HCC may be an effective strategy to prevent the spread of HCC symptoms, which may be an effective strategy. , "She said.

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First Published: Oct 07, 2018 16:38 IST

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