Dallas lawyer shot dead at home by police trying to "stain" a victim


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A family lawyer of a man shot dead at his home by a Dallas police officer who was not working said he thought the authorities were trying to damage the victim's reputation by looking for drugs and other things. illegal items.

Investigators have stated in a search warrant of Jean Botham's 26-year-old apartment that they were looking for "contraband items, such as narcotics and other objects that could be used for offenses." criminal ". found 10.4 grams of marijuana during Saturday's search.

Civil Rights Lawyer, Lee Merritt, said Thursday that research shows that police want to assault Jean, who worked in risk management at PricewaterhouseCoopers and was a graduate of a private Christian university.

Botham Shem Jean was shot when a Dallas policeman returned home after his shift entered the wrong apartment in his building.
Botham Shem Jean was shot when a Dallas policeman returned home after his shift entered the wrong apartment in his building.via Facebook

"The warrant seems to be designed only for a particular purpose," Merritt said, "and that is to mess with the victim."

Officer Amber Guyger, 30, was arrested on Sunday after being suspected of manslaughter during the Sept. 6 shooting. She was found on the wrong floor of the building and entered the apartment directly under his own, which belonged to Jean, according to his arrest warrant.

The warrant indicated that the door was "slightly ajar", but Merritt said it would not be possible because the front doors close automatically. He said he had contact with three neighbors who heard Guyger bang or knock on the door.

The arrest warrant stated that it was dark, Guyger saw a character that she did not recognize and that the person did not follow his orders. She believed "to have met a burglar", affidavit for the states of arrest.

The story changed with the affidavit that followed to search Jean's apartment, according to which the officer "was trying to enter the apartment number 1478, with a set of keys".

Despite everything, the authorities maintained in the affidavit: "The agent may have thought that the subject was an intruder …"

A witness heard screams and then two shots, according to the document filed by the Dallas police. Jean was taken to a hospital where he died.

Guyger was released from prison with $ 300,000 on the day of his arrest.

On Monday, Dallas County District Attorney, Faith Johnson, said that a charge of murder was possible.

The Dallas police did not respond to NBC News's request for comment.

Merritt says he does not trust the investigation and he scheduled a press conference on Friday to "denounce the lack of genuine transparency in the investigation," according to a statement.

He said that the agent's home had not been searched.

"It is clear to me and to the family that the investigators are not interested in objective work," he said.

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