Dallas Morning News Approves Beto O 'Rourke


The Texas Democratic Senate candidate, Beto O. Rourke, received Thursday another important support, that of the Dallas Morning News, whose editorial board praised the member's "inclusive and hopeful tone" of the El Paso Congress compared to that of his opponent, Senator Ted Cruz holds "a cutting figure in politics today."

The editorial board of the newspaper explained that Mr. O. Rourke had led "a campaign based on the unification of communities," stating that "the crucial question facing our country is public leadership, and we believe here that the tone of the latter is consistent with what is proposed. necessary now. "

"In the moments of division where we live, we think that tone and leadership are the essential points to judge the mandate of these candidates. So we bet on Beto, writes the newspaper.

The council made it clear that he did not agree with some of his more progressive political positions, but he celebrated the "behavior of O 'Rourke who offers respect and humanity to everyone will be able to work with those who have political views. different from his "- noting, for example, his bipartisan friendship with Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas).

In explaining his support for Beto O'Rourke for the Texas Senate, the Dallas Morning News editorial board said he had directed

Loren Elliott via Getty Images

In explaining his support for Beto O 'Rourke for the Texas Senate, the Dallas Morning News editorial board said he had led "a campaign based on the unification of communities."

But the paper also cited what he saw as "imperfections in his campaign," citing O'Rourke's support for the removal of President Donald Trump and his adoption of Cruz's denunciation of Trump as a departure from the tone. unifying his campaign.

Last week, O'Rourke was also approved by the Houston Chronicle. The document approved Cruz in 2012.

"A win of" Beto "would be beneficial for Texas, not only because of his personal and political skills, but also because of the obvious inadequacies of the man he would replace," wrote the editorial board of Chronicle.

In the 2012 elections, the Dallas Morning News approved Democratic opposition leader Paul Sadler, but also Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

In 2016, she approved Hillary Clinton, a Democratic presidential candidate, to the detriment of Donald Trump, breaking with a long tradition of supporting GOP presidential candidates.

O'Rourke's Senate race against Cruz is one of the most watched clashes in this year's midterm elections. The result should be tighter than usual for the traditionally Republican state. O'Rourke's candidacy sparked popular enthusiasm among Democrats and generated significant fundraising.

Read the full Dallas Morning News editorial here.

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