Dan Crenshaw, mocked by Pete Davidson on SNL, laughs for the last time during the victory speech


The former Navy SEAL mocked by Pete Davidson on SNL Last weekend, the joke controversy was tackled on Tuesday night – and in the best possible conditions.

Dan Crenshaw was elected to the 2nd District of Texas Congress and spoke about SNL indignant in his victory speech and in a separate interview with the press. The veteran lost his eye in Afghanistan in 2012, which led Davidson, during the show's "Weekend Update" segment, to say that he looked like "a hitman in a movie" porn "and then add with disdain:" I'm sorry, I know that he lost. his eye to war or something else. It does not matter. "

"SEALS are not offended," Republican congressman Fox 26 of Houston said. "It's just not what we do, it does not mean that it was not offensive, but stop demanding apologies and removal of people, just ask … that the comedy is really funny, but let's be good people. "

And while on the podium, according to United States todayCrenshaw joked that a member of his team is "upset by the recent Saturday Night Live the controversy has led me to have more followers on Twitter than (him), "noted the US citizen" is not a people who breaks up at the first sign of the offense ".

Earlier this week, SNLKenan Thompson suggested to his client to cross the line with the joke., noting, "My father is a veteran, Vietnam, and I, personally, would never go there necessarily. It's difficult when you're fishing for jokes. This is why people who stand up feel that there is no real filter in the world when they try to make a good joke or whatever. We try to respect that, but at the same time, when you miss the target, you offend people, so you need to be a little more aware, in my opinion. "

The original humorous end-of-night skit is presented by the one and only Lorne Micheals.

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