Daniel Bryan Defeat Brock Lesnar and 5 Smart Booking Decisions

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The WWE Survivor Series 2018 has undergone a number of major creative changes this week. Brock Lesnar, Daniel Bryan and Ronda Rousey, compared to Charlotte Flair, will be the stars of the game. They will play in a first-ever pair of Survivor 5-on-5 Combat matches, which includes a large number of stars such as Rey Mysterio, Braun Strowman and Shane McMahon.

Credit: WWE.comCredit: WWE.com

The pay-per-view will be the company's third event on the WWE network in just three weeks, the goal being to turn the tide on its recent struggles for fans to stay on the network. After peaking at an unprecedented 1.8 million subscribers in the second quarter of 2018, this number returned to reality in the third quarter of 2018, falling to 1.66 million and continuing the WWE's tendency to steadily lose subscribers after WrestleMania. As a result, the WWE is currently preparing the card with a Rousey / Flair match that had already been set for the main event WrestleMania 35 and a fight between heels and heels between Bryan and Lesnar, which many fans thought would never happen.

With Raw, which is not far from generating many audience records, and SmackDown, which has almost exceeded two million viewers, also struggling in the ratings service audience, the WWE comes out with a map Loaded Survivor Series that will also feature big names like Finn Balor, Samoa Joe and The Miz. Over the last two years, when the Survivor Series, which is focused on a "battle of brands", has finally ended up meaning nothing in the long run, WWE will seek to provide fans with a quality show that is conducive to TLC's success. Royal Rumble pay-per-views.

Of course, everything will boil down to the reservation, which had already been launched for a blitz with a series of major changes this week. Here are five smart booking decisions that WWE must make at Survivor Series 2018.

Daniel Bryan surprises Brock Lesnar

Credit: WWE.comCredit: WWE.com

Brock Lesnar's seemingly endless surge has been remarkably tiring, and it has never been as illustrated as at Crown Jewel when, for one reason or another, "The Beast" crushed Braun Strowman.

Now, WWE is in another situation in which Lesnar will meet one of the most popular and respected stars of WWE, this time with his new WWE Champion, Daniel Bryan. Since Lesnar started dominating the Universal title picture at Raw more than a year and a half ago, the WWE Championship has generally fallen behind. In fact, since the return of the split brand in July 2016, no WWE Championship game has ever been held with a co-branded pay-per-view. Yes never.

This may not change Survivor Series, but WWE can throw a bone to the fans by giving Lesnar a rare loss, as implausible as it may seem. The new Lesnar contract only guarantees that he will work at least one more match after Survivor Series (and will remain in WrestleMania 35). There will therefore be no harm, no fault committed if he loses to Bryan, presumably leaving the company game and possibly returning to UFC in the near future. This is particularly true if Bryan manages to win a half-time victory against Lesnar thanks to some kind of Strowman assistance, which would help to achieve the goal of keeping the feud between Strowman and Lesnar (they certainly an unfinished task at Royal Rumble) while protecting Bryan and the WWE Championship.

The last thing thirsty fans want is to dominate, or even just beat, Bryan, especially after Lesnar 's unbalanced victory over Strowman at Crown Jewel left a bad taste in the mouths of fans who thought that' s right. it was time to crown Strowman. Universal Champion. In addition, it would create an interesting dynamic to see how Lesnar, the typically dominant champion, reacts to a rare defeat.

Strowman and Drew McIntyre emerge as survivors of the soul

Credit: WWE.comCredit: WWE.com

There are two stars who would benefit more than any other by emerging from the men's 5-on-5 match as survivors of their respective brands: Strowman and Drew McIntyre.

In the absence of Roman Reigns and with Seth Rollins linked to Dean Ambrose for the moment, Strowman is clearly Raw's No. 1 Foosball and, as a great shooter and formidable cargo carrier, the WWE must continue to push it hard when fans clearly want it to be "the guy" of the WWE's flagship show, despite rumors of heat behind the scenes. The same goes for McIntyre, for whom the WWE would have big plans, since "The Scottish Terminator" would have the support of Vince McMahon and Triple H and could be involved in the photo of the title of Universal en route to WrestleMania 35.

As McIntyre's recent spotless victory over the Hall of Fame, Kurt Angle, shows, he is clearly on the verge of becoming a full-fledged super-celebrity and with the recent revolutions of Elias and Strowman (as well as Triple H's injury and Lesnar's status on a part-time basis), McIntyre went from the NXT call to Raw's best heel in less than seven months. The impressive climb of McIntyre, which has all the tools to become the best star overall in Raw, must continue. There is practically no better way to do this than to see it emerge as one of the survivors, maybe even of it. Survivor Series.

With a slew of Raw stars, ranging from Kevin Owens to Triple H, Kevin Owens to Reigns, all currently out, the WWE has to move at full speed with massive pushes for Strowman and McIntyre. A Survivor Series win for both stars could help achieve this goal.

At least one or two heel / face blockbuster

Credit: WWE.comCredit: WWE.com

Survivor Series will host three separate 5-on-5 matches for the men's, women's and team teams divisions, and these fights, though they rarely mean a lot in the long run, are the ideal stage for heel or babyface turns.

In recent months, we've seen stars like Daniel Bryan, Bobby Lashley, Bella Twins and Becky Lynch being invigorated by heel turns, while stars like Strowman and Elias have excelled after turning babyface. With so many different factors involved in the traditional Survivor series elimination matches, such as fierce rivals (such as Strowman and McIntyre) working side by side or Shane McMahon struggling again after winning the World Cup, the WWE will have many opportunities to shoot the trigger several major rounds of heel or face during custom matches to allow the stars to betray their teams.

Asuka, The Miz and Shane McMahon, among others, are among the names involved in the 5 to 5 knockout matches that have been associated with potential turns. While Lesnar is likely to miss long periods as an absent world champion and renowned stars such as John Cena, Roman Reigns, Triple H and Kevin Owens, all sitting apart, the WWE has the opportunity to create new stars in their absence. and as we have seen with stars such as Lynch and Elias, a character change can do wonders for a star 's career, especially if it takes place at the WWE during the summer. a match à la carte.

Ideally, WWE will remember this and use Survivor Series to advance with at least two face or heel turns that will eventually lead to the rise of rising stars capable of carrying the company without Cena, Reigns, Lesnar and others.

Becky Lynch helps Charlotte Flair defeat Ronda Rousey

Credit: WWE.comCredit: WWE.com

The WWE built Brock Lesnar as the dominant Universal Champion who held the title for more than 500 days so that it could mean more when Roman Reigns finally defeated him for the belt.

The idea was that WWE wanted Reigns to be "the guy" and would use his win over Lesnar to help him get it. WWE is now in a similar situation with Charlotte Flair, who will replace wounded Becky Lynch, and face Ronda Rousey in a dream match that was once penciled in the main WrestleMania 35 tournament. Clearly, a Lynch's massive victory over Rousey would have greatly contributed to making the Irish superstar one of the biggest stars in the industry, which seems inevitable given her popularity. But with this possibility, WWE must now decide whether Rousey should lose to Flair instead of "passing the torch".

It's extremely rare for a superstar to reach the Lynch level, where the vast majority of WWE's enraged fans want her to succeed, which means that even if she is missing from the map, she should feel her presence to Survivor Series. While Rousey vs. Lynch is set to take place at WrestleMania 35 and WWE tackles a battle between Rousey and WWE, the most sensible arrival of Survivor Series is Lynch's helping Flair defeat Rousey.

This is a logical decision, especially considering how Flair and Lynch put aside their differences at SmackDown, the fact that it could feed the Lynch / Rousey fire and protect Rousey, while also organizing this dream match. Horsewomen oven. It sounds like a win-win for everyone involved, is not it?

Dean Ambrose claims Seth Rollins his match against Shinsuke Nakamura

Credit: WWE.comCredit: WWE.com

The formidable feud between Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins was a major success on YouTube (see: here and here), suggesting that "The Lunatic Fringe" is poised to become perhaps the most hated heel of the WWE, while Rollins will somehow become even more popular.

WWE clearly has long-term plans in place for this scenario, since Rollins vs. Ambrose is being announced as one of TLC's major events in December as well as for many more upcoming events throughout WrestleMania 35, next April. In the blink of an eye, Ambrose went from the face of the beloved baby to the hated heel and, although he did not have a match announced at Survivor Series, he could and should make his presence feel even stronger. more heavily by costing his dream to Rollins match against the US champion at SmackDown, Shinsuke Nakamura.

Nakamura vs. Rollins is a highly anticipated fight that we may never have the chance to see again, and if Ambrose ruins that while continuing to harass his former best friend, it's a surefire way for Ambrose to continue to be a magnet develops to become the most despised villain of the WWE.

The controversial non-finals generally do not please the WWE audience, but in this case (as in the case of other important games on the Survivor Series card), it's the right choice, given the Raw needs Ambrose to be a despicable villain. the continuation of the attacks on Rollins would make his rise to the first place of Babyface on the red mark.

Blake Oestriecher is a primary school teacher by day and a sports writer at night. It contributes to @ForbesSports, where he mainly covers the WWE. You can follow him on Twitter @BOestriecher.


The WWE Survivor Series 2018 has undergone a number of major creative changes this week. Brock Lesnar, Daniel Bryan and Ronda Rousey, compared to Charlotte Flair, will be the stars of the game. They will play in a first-ever pair of Survivor 5-on-5 Combat matches, which includes a large number of stars such as Rey Mysterio, Braun Strowman and Shane McMahon.

Credit: WWE.comCredit: WWE.com

The pay-per-view will be the company's third event on the WWE network in just three weeks, the goal being to turn the tide on its recent struggles for fans to stay on the network. After peaking at an unprecedented 1.8 million subscribers in the second quarter of 2018, this number returned to reality in the third quarter of 2018, falling to 1.66 million and continuing the WWE's tendency to steadily lose subscribers after WrestleMania. As a result, the WWE is currently preparing the card with a Rousey / Flair match that had already been set for the main event WrestleMania 35 and a fight between heels and heels between Bryan and Lesnar, which many fans thought would never happen.

With Raw, which is not far from generating many audience records, and SmackDown, which has almost exceeded two million viewers, also struggling in the ratings service audience, the WWE comes out with a map Loaded Survivor Series that will also feature big names like Finn Balor, Samoa Joe and The Miz. Over the last two years, when the Survivor Series, which is focused on a "battle of brands", has finally ended up meaning nothing in the long run, WWE will seek to provide fans with a quality show that is conducive to TLC's success. Royal Rumble pay-per-views.

Of course, everything will boil down to the reservation, which had already been launched for a blitz with a series of major changes this week. Here are five smart booking decisions that WWE must make at Survivor Series 2018.

Daniel Bryan surprises Brock Lesnar

Credit: WWE.comCredit: WWE.com

Brock Lesnar's seemingly endless surge has been remarkably tiring, and it has never been as illustrated as at Crown Jewel when, for one reason or another, "The Beast" crushed Braun Strowman.

Now, WWE is in another situation in which Lesnar will meet one of the most popular and respected stars of WWE, this time with his new WWE Champion, Daniel Bryan. Since Lesnar started dominating the Universal title picture at Raw more than a year and a half ago, the WWE Championship has generally fallen behind. In fact, since the return of the split brand in July 2016, no WWE Championship game has ever been held with a co-branded pay-per-view. Yes never.

This may not change Survivor Series, but WWE can throw a bone to the fans by giving Lesnar a rare loss, as implausible as it may seem. The new Lesnar contract only guarantees that he will work at least one more match after Survivor Series (and will remain in WrestleMania 35). There will therefore be no harm, no fault committed if he loses to Bryan, presumably leaving the company game and possibly returning to UFC in the near future. This is particularly true if Bryan manages to win a half-time victory against Lesnar thanks to some kind of Strowman assistance, which would help to achieve the goal of keeping the feud between Strowman and Lesnar (they certainly an unfinished task at Royal Rumble) while protecting Bryan and the WWE Championship.

The last thing thirsty fans want is to dominate, or even just beat, Bryan, especially after Lesnar 's unbalanced victory over Strowman at Crown Jewel left a bad taste in the mouths of fans who thought that' s right. it was time to crown Strowman. Universal Champion. In addition, it would create an interesting dynamic to see how Lesnar, the typically dominant champion, reacts to a rare defeat.

Strowman and Drew McIntyre emerge as survivors of the soul

Credit: WWE.comCredit: WWE.com

There are two stars who would benefit more than any other by emerging from the men's 5-on-5 match as survivors of their respective brands: Strowman and Drew McIntyre.

In the absence of Roman Reigns and with Seth Rollins linked to Dean Ambrose for the moment, Strowman is clearly Raw's No. 1 Foosball and, as a great shooter and formidable cargo carrier, the WWE must continue to push it hard when fans clearly want it to be "the guy" of the WWE's flagship show, despite rumors of heat behind the scenes. The same goes for McIntyre, for whom the WWE would have big plans, since "The Scottish Terminator" would have the support of Vince McMahon and Triple H and could be involved in the photo of the title of Universal en route to WrestleMania 35.

As McIntyre's recent spotless victory over the Hall of Fame, Kurt Angle, shows, he is clearly on the verge of becoming a full-fledged super-celebrity and with the recent revolutions of Elias and Strowman (as well as Triple H's injury and Lesnar's status on a part-time basis), McIntyre went from the NXT call to Raw's best heel in less than seven months. The impressive climb of McIntyre, which has all the tools to become the best star overall in Raw, must continue. There is practically no better way to do this than to see it emerge as one of the survivors, maybe even of it. Survivor Series.

With a slew of Raw stars, ranging from Kevin Owens to Triple H, Kevin Owens to Reigns, all currently out, the WWE has to move at full speed with massive pushes for Strowman and McIntyre. A Survivor Series win for both stars could help achieve this goal.

At least one or two heel / face blockbuster

Credit: WWE.comCredit: WWE.com

Survivor Series will host three separate 5-on-5 matches for the men's, women's and team teams divisions, and these fights, though they rarely mean a lot in the long run, are the ideal stage for heel or babyface turns.

In recent months, we've seen stars like Daniel Bryan, Bobby Lashley, Bella Twins and Becky Lynch being invigorated by heel turns, while stars like Strowman and Elias have excelled after turning babyface. With so many different factors involved in the traditional Survivor series elimination matches, such as fierce rivals (such as Strowman and McIntyre) working side by side or Shane McMahon struggling again after winning the World Cup, the WWE will have many opportunities to shoot the trigger several major rounds of heel or face during custom matches to allow the stars to betray their teams.

Asuka, The Miz and Shane McMahon, among others, are among the names involved in the 5 to 5 knockout matches that have been associated with potential turns. While Lesnar is likely to miss long periods as an absent world champion and renowned stars such as John Cena, Roman Reigns, Triple H and Kevin Owens, all sitting apart, the WWE has the opportunity to create new stars in their absence. and as we have seen with stars such as Lynch and Elias, a character change can do wonders for a star 's career, especially if it takes place at the WWE during the summer. a match à la carte.

Ideally, WWE will remember this and use Survivor Series to advance with at least two face or heel turns that will eventually lead to the rise of rising stars capable of carrying the company without Cena, Reigns, Lesnar and others.

Becky Lynch helps Charlotte Flair defeat Ronda Rousey

Credit: WWE.comCredit: WWE.com

The WWE built Brock Lesnar as the dominant Universal Champion who held the title for more than 500 days so that it could mean more when Roman Reigns finally defeated him for the belt.

The idea was that WWE wanted Reigns to be "the guy" and would use his win over Lesnar to help him get it. WWE is now in a similar situation with Charlotte Flair, who will replace wounded Becky Lynch, and face Ronda Rousey in a dream match that was once penciled in the main WrestleMania 35 tournament. Clearly, a Lynch's massive victory over Rousey would have greatly contributed to making the Irish superstar one of the biggest stars in the industry, which seems inevitable given her popularity. But with this possibility, WWE must now decide whether Rousey should lose to Flair instead of "passing the torch".

It's extremely rare for a superstar to reach the Lynch level, where the vast majority of WWE's enraged fans want her to succeed, which means that even if she is missing from the map, she should feel her presence to Survivor Series. While Rousey vs. Lynch is set to take place at WrestleMania 35 and WWE tackles a battle between Rousey and WWE, the most sensible arrival of Survivor Series is Lynch's helping Flair defeat Rousey.

This is a logical decision, especially considering how Flair and Lynch put aside their differences at SmackDown, the fact that it could feed the Lynch / Rousey fire and protect Rousey, while also organizing this dream match. Horsewomen oven. It sounds like a win-win for everyone involved, is not it?

Dean Ambrose claims Seth Rollins his match against Shinsuke Nakamura

Credit: WWE.comCredit: WWE.com

The formidable feud between Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins was a major success on YouTube (see: here and here), suggesting that "The Lunatic Fringe" is poised to become perhaps the most hated heel of the WWE, while Rollins will somehow become even more popular.

WWE clearly has long-term plans in place for this scenario, since Rollins vs. Ambrose is being announced as one of TLC's major events in December as well as for many more upcoming events throughout WrestleMania 35, next April. In the blink of an eye, Ambrose went from the face of the beloved baby to the hated heel and, although he did not have a match announced at Survivor Series, he could and should make his presence feel even stronger. more heavily by costing his dream to Rollins match against the US champion at SmackDown, Shinsuke Nakamura.

Nakamura vs. Rollins is a highly anticipated fight that we may never have the chance to see again, and if Ambrose ruins that while continuing to harass his former best friend, it's a surefire way for Ambrose to continue to be a magnet develops to become the most despised villain of the WWE.

The controversial non-finals generally do not please the WWE audience, but in this case (as in the case of other important games on the Survivor Series card), it's the right choice, given the Raw needs Ambrose to be a despicable villain. the continuation of the attacks on Rollins would make his rise to the first place of Babyface on the red mark.

Blake Oestriecher is a primary school teacher by day and a sports writer at night. It contributes to @ForbesSports, where he mainly covers the WWE. You can follow him on Twitter @BOestriecher.

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