Daniel Cormier tells the story of fans jumping in Octagon at UFC 229


UFC champion Daniel Cormier, who trains with Khabib Nurmagomedov and is a longtime friend of the UFC lightweight champion, was sitting at the edge of the cage with his family. at UFC 229.

DC appeared in Ariel Helwani's "MMA Show" on Monday and told the story of a fan who sat behind him at the Khabib-Conor McGregor battle and what this fan did when everything broke out after the fight.

UPDATE: We talked to fans on Tuesday night and he told us he was from Dublin and explained in detail why he was motivated by patriotism to protect Conor.

You can watch DC tell his story here:

Here is the transcript:

This is the craziest story. There is a guy behind me, he is wearing this beautiful jacket. (Something) McGregor. So he stands behind me and he says, "Who are you in the fight?" This guy is absolutely not in the game, right? So I'm going, "Yeah, I'll go to Khabib." So after the fight, when we all jumped off the rail, I'm like in the octagon pushing, and the guy likes to watch Conor. He looked like a fan, he looked like a fan who jumped in the rail when everyone else was doing it and headed for the octagon – it was like watching Conor. I (later) asked my wife, "Salina, what happened with this guy, was he with McGregor?" She said, "Daniel, after making sure that Conor was fine, he had just sat down again." I swear to god. He just climbed the rail and went back to his seat. I thought, "What's going on in the world ?! What has just happened in the world !? It was crazy. How did this guy find himself in the octagon, then he checked that Conor was fine, then he went back to sit down.

Well, this fan certainly has a story to tell for the rest of his life. A guy who just jumped into an Octagon after one of the biggest fights in the history of the UFC to check if one of the biggest fighters of all time is OK?

Only in Vegas, people.

Thanks to a loyal reader, we learned the identity of this fan – David Martin – who posted this video on his LinkedIn page which shows it in the Octagon. Sensational:

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