Danny DeVito is "honored" by the bathroom sanctuary dedicated to him


"My heart is filled with love and waste," he wrote on Twitter.

Thanks to his increasingly spectacular performance on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and his generally affable demeanor, Danny DeVito has become an internet sensation in the same way as Bill Murray or Nicolas Cage in recent years.

The SUNY Purchase campus is just one example to consider as enterprising students at the school are committed to building a hidden sanctuary to the actor near a bathroom. The scary but well-meaning tribute was viral enough to get DeVito's attention on social media and it turns out he's here for that.

"Your sanctuary honors me. My heart is filled with love and waste, "wrote the actor on Twitter. "Tomorrow, as you may know, it's my day of commemoration. Do something that makes you feel good. Above all, be kind to each other. Pick up waste, recycle and be aware of plastics in the ocean. At least he is socially conscious.

Use the bathroom shrine below, but do not say you have not been notified in advance:

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