Dante Jazz Exum: reaches a three-year extension with Utah


Exum on Tuesday accepted a $ 33 million three-year contract with Jazz, Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN Reports.

An ACL tear and shoulder surgery has limited Exum to just 80 games over its last three seasons. Jazz remains clearly at the height of its hopes and will offer the 22-year-old a surprising deal of $ 33 million over three years. This certainly seems to be a big deal when we look at the previous production, but it might also suggest that the Jazz plans to involve more Exum and could consider it as the future successor to Ricky Rubio. However, Rubio seems to be cut off as a starting point guard for at least another year, which means that Exum is scheduled for backup tasks at the moment. Unless surprises, Exum does not seem likely to exceed minutes in the low-20s, which should limit its fantasy impact at best in the deepest leagues.

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