Daredevil, the boss of Marvel, in the scene of the battle of season 3


Warning: This article contains spoilers from episodes 1-6 of Daredevil of Marvel season 3. Read at your own risk!

Daredevil of Marvel it's surpassed with its latest hallway fighting scene.

In the fourth episode of Blindsided season 3, Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) goes to a prison to meet the Albanian gang, because he wants to know why Wilson Fisk (Vincent D'Onofrio) sold it. Unfortunately, he ends up having more than he expected, because Fisk, who suspects him of Daredevil, becomes aware of his presence there and essentially turns the entire prison against Matt. Cue: A long, 11½-minute long fight sequence that was shot in one take (there are no hidden cuts) and follows Matt de Cox – who is still recovering from the construction of his own. a building collapsed – while he was clearing his way out of the prison, thus confirming Fisk's suspicions. In summary, the impressive pieces of the board look like the original brawl in the hallway of season 1, say "hold my handbag", then come out of the water, which was exactly the goal when it was launched for the show runner Erik Oleson (Arrow, Man in the high castle).

"The director of the episode, Alex Garcia Lopez, the episode writer, Lewaa Nasserdeen, and the stunt team came to me with the crazy idea of ​​doing it as that tribute and then make a fight in the hallway scene of Season 1, "Oleson tells EW.

Once Oleson signed it, he was responsible for informing the studio that he was giving everyone a day to repeat the entire sequence before turning it the next day.

"It was something no one had ever done before at Marvel. It was a bit agitated, but when the crew finally made it, it was something spectacular that pumped adrenaline into the team for the rest of the season, "he says. "It was really a team sport. Dozens of stuntmen were involved. There were places where the crew had to hide quickly in a corner while the camera was turning in a certain direction. No matter who could have messed up this epic story, so every member of the crew had to work in perfect sync. The fact that they have succeeded is breathtaking. "

They included in the sequence some points where they could hide a break if they really should, but fortunately it was not necessary, and Oleson took steps to make it clear during the editing process. "What I ended up doing in post-production is actually [increasing] lighting some hallway plans so that the public can see that we never cut the camera, we never cheated and we acted like a series of cuts made to look like a simple. This is a real man. "

For Oleson, the incredible waterfall is more than a cool scene; it's actually an integral part of the story and an illustration of one of the rules he set for the show when he took on the role of showrunner.

"What I wanted to do with season 3 of Daredevil is to make sure that the action sequences have an importance that reflects the characters or has real issues, "he says. "There's something to be said for the fun action-action show, but in many cases, it's the pleasure of watching big stunts. For me, the best writing is one where the action sequences are an integral part of the story and you can not predict that the action will unfold in a certain way. When an audience knows that the hero will be fine and that he is going to watch an awesome sequence of action like a musical number, for me it is fun, but it stops the music. history. "

In his mind, the scene of episode 4 reaches this goal of reflection of the character. "We saw that Matt had to discard any hope of keeping his identity secret. He did not have the luxury of pulling a hood. Instead, he had to get out of jail to survive and know all the time that Wilson Fisk was watching and confirming to Fisk that he was with Daredevil. For me, this scene has real stakes beyond the battle, "says Oleson, who also quotes the fight in the episode 6 newsroom as another example of this goal because Matt actually loses. "This sequence of actions has real consequences. For me, these are the best types of action sequences in movies and on television.

The third full season of Daredevil of Marvel is available to stream on Netflix now.

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