DARPA Announces $ 2 Billion Investment in AI – TechCrunch


At a symposium in Washington DC on Friday, DARPA href = "https://www.darpa.mil/news-events/2018-09-07" target = "_ blank" rel = "noopener"> announced its intention to invest 2 billion dollars in the research on artificial intelligence over the next five years.

In a program called "AI Next", the agency currently has more than 20 ongoing programs and will focus on "improving the safety and resiliency of machine learning technologies and AI by reducing energy, data, [exploring] "Explicability" of these systems.

"The machines lack contextual reasoning capabilities and their training must cover all eventualities, which is not only expensive, but ultimately impossible," said the director, Dr. Steven Walker. "We want to explore how machines can develop human-like communication and reasoning skills, with the ability to recognize new situations and environments and adapt to them."

Artificial intelligence is a broad term that encompasses everything from intuitive search capabilities to true machine learning, and all definitions rely heavily on data consumption to inform their algorithms and "learn." has recently seen his efforts surpassed by foreign powers like China, which earlier this summer announced its intention to become an Amnesty International leader by 2030.

In many cases, these AIs are still in their infancy, but technology, especially machine learning, has the potential to transform not only the way users interact with their own technology, but also.

Machine learning is characterized in particular by the potential bias that can be incorporated into these systems because of the data they consume during training. If data contains flaws or misinformation, machines may come to incorrect conclusions – such as "individuals are more likely" to commit crimes – which can have devastating consequences. And, even more frighteningly, by organically arriving at these conclusions, learning a machine is obscured in a black box.

In other words, even the researchers who design the algorithms can not know how the machines reach their conclusions.

That said, the management of AI, when managed carefully and forethought, can also be a powerful source of innovation and progress. As DARPA progresses in its research, we will see how they handle these important technical and societal issues.

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