DARPA plans to spend $ 2 billion to develop new AI technologies


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DARPA worked with robot designer Boston Dynamics on various machines Photographer: Kiyoshi Ota / Bloomberg

The United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced that it planned to spend $ 2 billion to develop new artificial intelligence technologies as part of the 39, a campaign called "AI Next". TThe money will be used to fund new and existing research programs at DARPA.

The fact that DARPA, which helped finance the development of The Boston Dynamics well-known BigDog robotis investing in AI somewhat controversial, given that the agency is under the supervision of responsible for the development of emerging technologies for the use of the US Army.

"With AI Next, we are making several research investments to turn specialized tool computers into problem-solving partners," DARPA director Steven Walke told DARPA on Friday. 60th Anniversary Conference. "Today, machines lack contextual reasoning capabilities, and their training must cover all eventualities, which is not only expensive, but ultimately impossible.We want to explore how machines can acquire communication and reasoning and environments and adapt to them. "

DARPA said in a press release that it would aim to create systems with common sense, contextual awareness and improved energy efficiency.

Last month, DARPA announced its intention to fund a series of new research projects on artificial intelligence (AI) with millions of dollars in order to obtain capital for AI researchers who need it quickly.

Recent advances in AI mean that autonomous tanks, drones, missiles and machine guns are not beyond the possibilities.

Last week, company leaders such as DeepMind's Elon Musk and Demis Hassabis vowed never to develop lethal weapons against the AI ​​when they signed a commitment.

The promise reads as follows: "We, the undersigned, agree that the decision to lead a human life should never be entrusted to a machine.It warns that deadly autonomous weapons, and individual."


DARPA worked with robot designer Boston Dynamics on various machines Photographer: Kiyoshi Ota / Bloomberg

The United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced that it planned to spend $ 2 billion to develop new artificial intelligence technologies as part of the 39, a campaign called "AI Next". TThe money will be used to fund new and existing research programs at DARPA.

The fact that DARPA, which helped finance the development of The Boston Dynamics well-known BigDog robotis investing in AI somewhat controversial, given that the agency is under the supervision of responsible for the development of emerging technologies for the use of the US Army.

"With AI Next, we are making several research investments to turn specialized tool computers into problem-solving partners," DARPA director Steven Walke told DARPA on Friday. 60th Anniversary Conference. "Today, machines lack contextual reasoning capabilities, and their training must cover all eventualities, which is not only expensive, but ultimately impossible.We want to explore how machines can acquire communication and reasoning and environments and adapt to them. "

DARPA said in a press release that it would aim to create systems with common sense, contextual awareness and improved energy efficiency.

Last month, DARPA announced its intention to fund a series of new research projects on artificial intelligence (AI) with millions of dollars in order to obtain capital for AI researchers who need it quickly.

Recent advances in AI mean that autonomous tanks, drones, missiles and machine guns are not beyond the possibilities.

Last week, company leaders such as DeepMind's Elon Musk and Demis Hassabis vowed never to develop lethal weapons against the AI ​​when they signed a commitment.

The promise reads as follows: "We, the undersigned, agree that the decision to lead a human life should never be entrusted to a machine.It warns that deadly autonomous weapons, and individual."

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