DARPA wheels pass tires to tracks without stopping


DARPA has shown RWT as part of a series of vehicle research projects, including an electric motor in the hub (to improve speed and maneuverability) and Multi-mode Extreme Travel Suspension (to allow for high speed on rough terrain). He is also interested in technologies that enhance driver awareness, such as virtual windows (activated with 3D glasses), enhanced virtual perspectives by sensors, and visual overlays that help to find the route the most fast and safest for off-road trips.

Transformation wheels are far from reaching the production vehicles. DARPA is still in the midst of Phase Two of a broader Ground X-Vehicle Technologies program developing RWT and the other hardware you see here. That said, the practical uses are more than a little obvious and are not limited to military uses. Although this is immediately useful for armored vehicles that need to cover the ground as quickly as possible, it would also be useful for search and rescue, construction and any other situation where there is a mix of flat roads and ruthless landscapes. .

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