Dating app for Trump supporters leaked its users


A new dating app for Trump supporters leaked its entire database of users on the day of its launch, according to a Monday report from Tech Crunch.

DonaldDaters launched Monday for Apple and Android devices with the hope of encouraging young conservatives to meet and mingle.

The app markets itself as an "American-based singles connecting friends, friends, and Trump fans alike."

Tech Crunch reported that the app had more than 1,600 users on the day including names, profile pictures, devices and private messages.

Elliot Alderson, a French security researcher, shared the database with the site.

He was also able to access tokens which can be reported to be used by DonaldDaters accounts.

The firebase data repository.

TechCrunch reported the leak to the app maker and the data has been taken offline.

The dating app all its security measures on its website, saying that all personal information is "kept private."

The Hill has reached out to DonaldDaters for comment.

Emily Moreno, DonaldDaters' founder and a trainer helps Sen. Marco RubioMarco Antonio RubioSenators pledge action on Saudi journalist's disappearance Senators concerned as Trump official disputes UN climate change warning Rubio: Response to death of Saudi journalist 'can not be symbolic' MORE (R-Fla.), Said in a Monday statement that it is "nearly impossible" for young conservatives and Trump supporters to date.

"Support for the president has become a dealbreaker instead of an icebreaker," she said. "That's why we've created a new platform for Trump supporters to meet people without being afraid of talking politics."

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