David Arquette slices his throat in a "deadly match"


Actor David Arquette reportedly was hospitalized after being seriously injured during a wrestling match in Los Angeles on Saturday night (AEDT).

The Hollywood icon, who is also a director, producer and scriptwriter and who has already been married to friends The Courteney Cox star was left bleeding everywhere when her throat slit in a waterfall that went wrong at an event organized by the Game Changer Wrestling that aired on American pay-per-view television.

Arquette tried to push off his opponent Nick Gage, who was above him, but the shot went against him and the 47-year-old quickly put his hand to the throat when he realized that He had been cut off.

Arquette continued to struggle with one hand on the throat for about 15 seconds before getting out of the ring.

It was reported that Gage was using light tubes to hit Arquette in the head and that when the glass broke, he did more damage than expected.

The match began with Gage who broke a door and attacked Arquette with pieces of it before the actor responded with a suicide plunge.

It was at this point that Gage had its spotlight, which Arquette broke by guiding them in front of their rival as they swayed between two chairs.

Gage then used a pizza knife on Arquette's head and the two men took advantage of the broken tubes of light, but the Hollywood star was about to receive the most damaging gesture of the night.

Arquette returned to the ring after leaving the ring, but the fight did not last longer as Gage hit him and won the match.

According to many US media reports, Arquette would then have gone to the hospital, but he would then have gone on Twitter to tell everyone that he was fine, saying that he had received stitches and that he joked the matches to death "are not my stuff".

Arquette had acting roles in the Yell franchise, Never been kissed with Drew Barrymore and Beautiful girls. He has also appeared in many television roles, both in roles and in cameos.

But it may not be as well known that Arquette is a big wrestling fan who has a history in the industry. He became memorable, he became WCW World Heavyweight Champion in 2000 as part of a waterfall to promote his wrestling film Ready to scold.

Now, 18 years later, Arquette is back. During an interview in September, he had told Fox News that he had decided to make his big comeback in the professional wrestling ring.

"I literally feel like Rocky, I mean, I'm in the gym, I'm sweating like crazy, I go to the gym every day for hours, you know, get it so I do not feel also easily pushed and that I do not lose weight. a bunch of weights, he says.

"It's all about training, determination, self-confidence."

Arquette was trying to get back into the ring, apparently taking part in small wrestling shows in America – like the one on Saturday night – and according to TMZ, he had already had some broken ribs while he was chasing the fight. return track.

"WWE is not the goal. I mean, I love WWE. I would love to do anything with them, but my main goal is to get respect. That's really what it's all about, said Arquette this month.

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