David Lynch writes to Donald Trump: "You cause suffering"


"Point our ship to a bright future for all," says Lynch to Trump in a note posted on the director's Facebook page.

David Lynch and Donald Trump

David Lynch and Donald Trump

Matt Rourke / AP / REX / Shutterstock and AP / Rex / Shutterstock

David Lynch elucidates rumors about his opinions on Donald Trump in a personal note posted on his Facebook page, which is followed by more than a million fans. The filmmaker of "Twin Peaks" writes that Trump "causes suffering and division" in America, but he says that there is still hope for the president he "wants to" treat all people like [he] would like to be treated. "

In an interview with The Guardian published on June 23, Lynch reportedly stated that Trump "could become one of the greatest presidents in history because he has so upset the thing." The filmmaker also said: "Trump may not be doing well" himself "to be president, but this phrase is something that Trump left his speech at a rally on June 25 in South Carolina Trump quoted an article from Breitbart during his speech (which he also re-tweeted) and boasted of knowing that Lynch is one of the biggest presidents of # 39; history.

"I wish you and I could sit down and have a conversation," Lynch wrote to Trump. "This quote that circulated was taken a little out of context and would need explanation … If you continue as you have been, you will not have the opportunity to. 39 go into history as a great president.This would be very sad, it seems for you – and for the country.You are causing suffering and division. "

Lynch goes on to say "it's not too late to return the boat" and turns to the golden rule by pushing Trump to treat people as he wants to be treated.

"Lead our ship to a bright future for all," Lynch writes. "You can unite the country.Your soul will sing Under a great loving leadership, no one loses – everyone wins.It is something that I hope you will think and take to heart. "

You can read Lynch's entire open letter in the Facebook integration below.

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