David Mesher tells Good Morning Britain: "I'm not racist"


The angry white passenger who led the splenetic rant to his black neighbor on a Ryanair flight blamed the racially motivated blast on the bad mood associated with the trip, claiming in a television interview that he was not the only one. was definitely not racist.

During the interview on "Hello BrittanyDavid Mesher, full of remorse, became the last person to say he was not racist after viral videos or tweets or social media posts proved the opposite.

Among the excuses of non-racists who were recently surprised in public: a lawyer who shouted after the restaurant staff heard him speak Spanish; a Lyft passenger who made a racist tirade drunk on blacks; and Roseanne Barr, whose tweet calling former Obama advisor, Valerie Jarrett, a monkey cost the comedian her comic sitcom.

Mesher's moment arrived on a Ryanair flight from Barcelona to London. He was trying to get near the window and Delsie Gayle, a 77-year-old woman sitting next to him, did not move fast enough to get out of the way, Mesher said at the time. An interview. Mesher let out a series of threats and insults, advising Gayle not to speak to him in another language and calling the septuagenarian an "ugly and stupid cow" and a "black and ugly bastard."

Another passenger, David Lawrence, recorded the incident and shared it on social networks, prompting calls for Mesher's lawsuit and reproaching the airline for discounted rates of not letting it. have completely fired from the plane. He went alone to London after Gayle had changed seats.

Friday's interview was an attempt by Mesher to explain his team after spending a week in infamy.

"I probably lost my temper and ordered him to get up," he said on the show, adding that he regretted "absolutely" his behavior. "I'm absolutely not racist, and I think it's just a tantrum at the time," he said.

When asked what he would say to Gayle, Mesher said, "I apologize for all the distress you've had there and since."

Questioned by the British media, Gayle said he did not accept Mesher's apology. "I do not think so," she told the Independent. "You must forget and forgive, but it will take me a long time to overcome what he has done to me."

Gayle said she was shocked and depressed by the incident and that she was having trouble sleeping. "I feel very weak," the retiree told ITV. "He paid the fare to go on vacation and I paid for it. So why is he abusing me by the color of my skin?

Authorities in two countries are also investigating the incident after deputy mayor of Barcelona Jaume Asens condemned Ryanair's response as "unacceptable" and promised that officials from the Barcelona City Hall would report it to Spanish prosecutors.

In subsequent tweets On Tuesday, Asens asked witnesses to introduce themselves and said that Barcelona was a welcoming and inclusive city that would not tolerate such verbal assault.

Ryanair reported the case to the Essex police in the UK, prompting the Spanish police to intervene.

However, many Britons did not seem to be willing to let Ryanair go by for not returning Mesher from the plane. A petition to "apologize and compensate Delsie Gayle for not reacting to racist abuse on your flight" aimed at Ryanair was signed by more than 300,000 people on Friday. The inaction of the airline, according to the petition, "continues to be perceived as an endorsement of the racist incident".

"In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in a bus to a white man leading to a boycott of the Montgomery buses," the petition says. "[Sixty-three] Years later, Ryanair is on standby while whites demand that no black person be seated next to them. It's shameful. "

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