David Wright's career by the numbers – and what could have been


With Thursday's announcement that David Wright will be back in the majors for the final season of the 2018 season and that he will win the Mets Championship for the last time on September 29th against the Marlins, we'll throw a shot look at what the third league big league career goaler and what could have been if the injuries had not derailed his superstar career in New York.

How Wright became a Met

The Mets drafted the 38th total in the first round of the 2001 MLB draft. This choice was extra for the loss of free agent Mike Hampton. The Mets had a choice earlier in this first round and took Aaron Heilman 18th overall.

Other notables in the first round of 2001 are Joe Mauer (1st), Mark Teixeira (5th) and Mark Prior (2nd).

Wright's career at 50.4 is the third highest in the first round of 2001.

In fact, this is the fifth highest number of players recruited as the third base player in the first round of the June race, behind Manny Ramirez, Robin Ventura, Teixeira and Evan Longoria.

Where does he rank among the great Mets?

– Wright is among the leaders of all time in several offensive categories. He has played in the second largest number of franchise history games, but he has the most bats, which is why he is leading these statistics. No player has come on the plate more in a Mets uniform than David Wright.

– Her WAR career is the most important among all the players in the history of Mets and the second among all those wearing the uniform, behind Tom Seaver.

– His 242 home runs earned him second place ahead of Darryl Strawberry, who hit 252 HR for the Mets.

– Wright played for the Mets in the playoffs in 2006 when the team lost to the Cardinals in the NLCS, and again in 2015 against the Royals in the World Series. His 24 off-season games played are tied with Edgardo Alfonzo and Robin Ventura in the history of Mets. Wright's RBI playoffs rank third behind Alfonzo and Gary Carter.

– Wright has eight career wins for the Mets, most franchise history players.

– Wright had 489 RBIs in his first five seasons, most players in franchise history. Wright's 489 RBI ranks 5th among all third baseline players in their first 5 career seasons since RBI became official in 1920.

What could have been for the third baseman?

Wright does not really rank among the third-ranked players in the history of the MLB if we consider only the total number, but we can put his career back into the pace he had experienced in 2012, the last time he has played in 135 games or more.

– Wright hit 204 home homers in his first 1,262 games. Mike Schmidt played 2,404 games. If Wright had played 2,400 games, he would have reached 387 HR at that rate. This would rank seventh among the players to play primarily the third base.

– Wright reached .301 in the 2012 season. There are only 14 third basemen in first place in MLB history with a career BA over .300.

– If he had played 2,400 games, Wright would have had 78.5 WAR because of his 2012 pace, which would rank him seventh among players to play primarily in third base. At the present time, Wright's score of 50.4 is ranked 22nd.

– Wright hit 130 HR in his first five seasons in the majors, tied with Evan Longoria for eighth place among the third basemen. He is also the second-highest all-season Mets player in 1 5 seasons, behind Darryl Strawberry 147.

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