Days of Future Past & # 39; Star Fines $ 70 Million for Tax Evasion


Fan Bingbing, who played Blink in X-Men: Days of Future Past, may face a very heavy fine from the Chinese tax authorities.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, the official Chinese press Xinhua issued a report suggesting that Fan could face a $ 70 million bill for tax arrears and fines resulting from a so – called tax evasion scandal in China. Although the $ 70 million is a massive fine, other reports in China suggest that the fine could be several tens of millions of dollars.

Fan is a massive star in China. The country's best-paid actress, Fan has tens of millions of followers on the popular Sina Weibo network and is the face of many luxury personalities in the country. However, after the allegations of tax evasion emerged, Fan disappeared from social media on July 23 and has not been seen in public since. There has been speculation that it could have been banned, but an article now removed from the newspaper Securities Daily suggested that she was "under control" and that she would "accept the judicial decision".

The $ 70 million fine is astounding, but it could be positive. If Fan pays the full amount of the fine, the actress can avoid full criminal prosecution, although it is unclear whether there would be additional requirements. In May, documents seemed to indicate that Fan had been doubled twice for the same work on two unidentified projects and only paid taxes on half of the actual amount.

In June, China announced the opening of an in-depth investigation into the country's film and television industry, particularly regarding yin-yang contracts. The tax office wants to put an end to this practice, but he did not initially appoint Fan in his statement of official intent. Investigations must be conducted by the local tax offices of the southern Jiangsu Province as well as by other offices.

For the moment, the mystery of Fan's whereabouts, as well as the possibility that he is forbidden to intervene, have questioned many of his far-reaching film projects. Time reports that a future Bruce Willis movie, Unbreakable spirit, would have removed his name and image from any promotional material during the next Universal appointment. 355, the thriller for female ensemble in which Fan was to co-play alongside Lupita Nyong's, Jessica Chastain and Penelope Cruz is now in question.

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