DC | region is home to 2 of the country's best children's hospitals


WASHINGTON – According to a new list published by U.S. News & World Report, hospitals in Colorado and Baltimore are among the best in the country.

Overall, the National Children's Medical Center of Washington is ranked # 5 and the John Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore is ranked # 8 on the Top Pediatric Hospitals Honor List among 10 pediatric specialties, including neonatal care, neurological, cardiology.

"It's really a chance for families in the Baltimore-Washington area that we have two excellent children's hospitals," said Ben Harder, editor and chief of health analysis at US News & World Report.

Hundreds of factors have been analyzed – from the type of medical specialists in each hospital, to the extent to which young patients come out after treatment.

While thousands of hospitals can treat children and treat adults, only a few hundred specialize in treating children with "serious or particularly difficult medical diagnoses," Harder said.

On the list last year, the National Children's Medical Center ranked No. 10 overall and the Johns Hopkins Children's Center ranked No. 5.

The complete list "list of honor", for this year, includes the following children's hospitals:

  1. Boston Children & # 39; s Hospital
  2. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
  3. Philadelphia Children's Hospital
  4. Texas Children & # 39; s Hospital
  5. National Children's Medical Center
  6. Los Angeles Children's Hospital
  7. National Children's Hospital
  8. Johns Hopkins Children's Center
  9. Colorado Children's Hospital
  10. Ann and Robert H. Lurie Chicago Children's Hospital

Breaking the performance of both hospitals

The National Children's Medical Center and the Johns Hopkins Children's Center were both ranked among the best in "every specialty we studied," said Harder.

  • The National Children's Medical Center is ranked No. 1 and the Johns Hopkins Children's Center, No. 16 for Neonatology, which takes care of sick or premature children immediately after birth.
  • In nephrology, which is the term used to treat kidney problems, the National Children's Medical Center ranks sixth and the Johns Hopkins Children's Center ranks tenth.
  • With regard to neurology and neurosurgery, the Johns Hopkins Children's Center is ranked No. 4 and the National Children's Medical Center No. 5.
  • For pediatric orthopedics, the Children's National Medical Center is ranked 8th and the John's Hopkins Children's Center ranks 10th.
  • In Pediatric Pneumology, the specialty that treats diseases involving the airways, Children's National Medical Center ranked No. 9 and Johns Hopkins Children's Center ranked No. 12.
  • Children's National Medical ranked # 12 and Johns Hopkins Children's Center ranked # 17 for the best pediatric gastroenterology.
  • Johns Hopkins Children's Center ranked # 7 for urology while the National Children's Medical Center ranked # 16.

Three regional hospitals were classified into at least one of the observed specialties: Inova Children's Hospital in Falls Church, Va. (Top 50 neonatology); Children's Hospital from Richmond, Virginia to VCU (top 50 nephrology); and the Children's Hospital of the University of Maryland (top 50 in Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery).

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