DC reveals the truth about the Batman Catwoman Wedding Twist


Today was to be the big day for Batman and Catwoman with their marriage to Batman # 50 of Tom King, Mikel Janin and June Chung (with several other leading artists). DC Comics released spoilers for the event earlier this week, but the editor has left a key part for fans to discover for themselves while reading the number

SPOILERS for Batman # 50

King and his collaborators have been preparing for the marriage of Batman and Catwoman for months. Batman told his family and introduced Catwoman to his friends. In the issue, Batman and Catwoman decide that tonight is the night and prepare for the wedding, finding a judge and witnesses and dressing with their respective wedding clothes.

be. Catwoman chose her old friend Holly Robinson to be his witness and maid of honor. In discussing marriage, Robinson notes that Batman has always seemed to "need his misery" to continue his war on crime. This strikes an agreement with Selina.

Finally, Selina decides not to appear at the wedding. Batman waits an hour at the top of the Finger Tower before accepting what has happened. Catwoman explains in a note. "You're still a child, Bruce, a wounded child," she wrote, fearing that marrying Bruce Wayne would finally make him happy and that would be the end of Batman. "How can I do that? To save the world, heroes make sacrifices. My sacrifice is my life. That's you. "

This ending was announced in previous issues of Batman ." A story arc revealed another timeline after Booster Gold stepped back in time and saved Bruce's parents. That meant Bruce Wayne was happy and never became Batman and the world went to hell as a result.In a more recent issue, Catwoman fought the Joker, with Joker insisting that he knew that their marriage would end Batman, and he would not allow it.

However, the prefiguration goes back even further.The last page of the number shows Holly Robinson, a key figure in a previous story during this race Batman returning to the prison that Catwoman had broken to her.There she is greeted by her master, Bane:

  Batman 50 Bane "title =" Batman 50 Bane "height =" 803 "width = "900" data-item = "1120074" /> [19659011] Bane is probably still carrying A grudge after Batman attacked his island to remove Psychco Pirate from his guard in order to help Gotham's daughter, here, Bane is surrounded by a cabal of villains, including the Riddler, the Joker, Psycho Pirate once again, and Scarface, as well as unexpected characters like the old Gotham Girl hero Batman has been trying to help and someone dressed as Batman of the Flashpoint universe, which was in this universe Thomas Wayne, the father of Bruce Wayne. There is also a machine at the feet of fellow Bane, Skeets </p>
<p>  It seems that Bane orchestrated a great plan for, as he says, breaking Batman, Robinson's comments to Selina were provided to him by Bane, who knew the effect they would have on it </p>
<p>. a lot to unpack in this picture. Is it really the Flash Point Batman, or someone who wears the costume? Does this mean that Bane is somehow aware of the events of "The Button"? Did he orchestrate Thomas Wayne's last words to Bruce? </p>
<p>  Batman tried to help Gotham Girl. Was all this part of Bane's plan? Has Bane also orchestrated the story of Booster Gold? It seems clear that the Joker's fight with Catwoman was also part of Bane's plan. At what depth does this rabbit hole go, and far ahead of Bane has he planned? </p>
<p>  The fans will have to keep reading to find out. <em> Batman </em> # 50 is on sale now. </p>
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