Dean Heller, Jacky Rosen Debate: Watch Online Debate Online Debates of Nevada Senate Candidates – Live Stream Online


Grace Segers contributed to this report.

In their first and only senatorial debate on Friday, Republican Senator Dean Heller accused his Democratic representative, Rep. Jacky Rosen, of having used a visit to see separated families on the southern border in the form of a "clean bill". a "photo shoot". Rosen described Heller as a "buffer" for President Trump's tax cuts during their Friday night debate. Heller is considered vulnerable since he is the only Republican senator to be re-elected this year in a state won by Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Heller and Rosen exchanged accusations of lying and broke off throughout their debate on Friday night.

Heller is considered the most vulnerable GOP senator who stands for re-election this year, as he is the only Republican senator to run in a state won by Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The one-hour debate that lasted Friday night on KLAS-TV, KTVN-TV and C-SPAN brought the candidates together several hours before the start of early voting on Saturday morning.

The Democrats hope that a reaction against Mr. Trump will propel their base to the polls and lead Rosen to victory on the Nevada battlefield.

Both candidates praised their ability to work on the other side of the street. However, when asked what it was possible to do to alleviate the partisan stalemate in Washington, Mr. Heller picked up a page from Mr. Trump's game book accusing the media of their political dissensions.

"We've seen how they treat Trump's supporters, we've seen how they treat Kanye West when he goes to the White House," Heller said. He did not elaborate.

Heller and Rosen intensified their criticisms as they were discussing immigration, a key issue in a state with a Latino population at 29%.

Rosen, who visited the US border detention centers in June, described the separation of migrant families operated by the Trump administration as reckless. Images of Rosen's visit appeared later in one of his commercials. Heller has accused Friday of missing his job in Washington to shoot an advertisement.

"I went to see the kids," she interrupted. "I was doing my job."

"Do I have a chance to talk?" Heller asked.

Despite the landslides, Heller and Rosen always smiled and sometimes asked questions.

Heller criticized Rosen 's vote against the tax plan passed by the GOP passed last year and stressed his subsequent appearance at a press conference calling for the repeal of the reduction in the tax bill. tax.

"I voted for our strong economy and voted against," Heller said.

After the debate Friday, Rosen told reporters that she would not vote for the repeal of the tax law but that she wanted the middle class tax cuts to be permanent.

Heller answered questions from KLAS after the debate, but left the building before answering post-debate questions posed by other journalists gathered to cover the event.

Heller campaign spokesman Keith Schipper later said the candidate was due to leave for Elko, where Trump will hold a rally on Saturday.

After the debate, in a focus group of undecided KLAS voters, the participants were mostly in line with the parties. The independents welcomed Rosen's remarks on border policy, while reacting favorably to Heller's request to strengthen care for US veterans, reports KLAS.

Rosen reports having raised $ 5 million in donations during the campaign during the first 17 days of October. On Friday, she announced the total of her fundraising for the last campaign financing reporting period before the November 6 elections. The first congressman has surpassed Heller every quarter since entering the race.

Heller's campaign did not immediately respond to a message asking if his fundraising totals were also available sooner.

Reports are not due until October 25th.

Heller is closely linked to President Trump throughout the campaign. He described himself as "99%" against Mr. Trump prior to the 2016 elections. Mr. Trump threatened to support a primary candidate against Heller in early 2017. However, in the face a primary, Heller became an eminent supporter of the president. last year. Although he initially objected to the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act, Heller later joined the group, in favor of an amendment that would have seriously restricted the law. access to Medicaid.

Rosen is a first-named congressman and former synagogue president representing southern Nevada and the suburbs around Las Vegas. She has made health care a centerpiece of her campaign and has hit repeatedly Heller for the vote to repeal and replace the ACA. She leaves her seat in Congress to run for the Senate, and the open seat is competitive. CBS News Battleground Tracker ranks Rosen's congressional district as "Democratic Lean".

Recent polls have shown that the race between Heller and Rosen is closing. Although a CNN poll in early October showed that Rosen was in the lead of likely voters between 47% and 43%, a NBC News / Marist poll released the following week showed that Heller was leading Rosen among voters likely between 46% and 44%. A recent New York Times / Siena College survey also showed Heller two points ahead of potential voters. CBS News Battleground Tracker classifies the race as a "run."

Mr. Trump traveled to Las Vegas earlier in October to bring Heller and other Republican candidates to the statewide. The president criticized Rosen at the rally, saying she would never vote with the president if she was elected to the Senate.

"Do not forget this: Dean's Democratic opponent – Wacky Jacky – she does not understand," said Mr. Trump. "She's going to do everything Pelosi and Schumer tell her to do," he said, referring to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Minority House Leader Nancy Pelosi.

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