Death episode of liver disease fed by young Americans drinking


From 1999 to 2016, deaths from liver disease increased by 65 percent in the United States, according to a study by two professors from the Universisty of Michigan.

And the young Americans who drink are the expense of this trend, say the authors of the study: Elliot Tapper and Neehar Parikh .

The trend is gaining even more steam from 2009, a year after the start of what would be the longest period of economic decline in the United States since the Great Depression, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica.

But what worries most health officials is that young people seem to be drinking at a higher rate than ever before. For adults aged 25 to 34, the increase in deaths during these years is entirely attributable to alcohol-related liver disease. "We thought we were going to see improvements, but these data clearly show that even after hepatitis C," Tapper, a member of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the University of Michigan and a researcher in health services at the Institute of Health Policy and Innovation at the University of Michigan, told Science Daily. "Every alcohol-related death means decades of lost life, broken families and loss of economic productivity. In addition, the medical care of people dying of cirrhosis costs billions of dollars. "

The deaths of young adults due to liver failure increased on average by 10.5% per year between 2009 and 2016. According to the study, Tapper and Parikh examined the death certificates of nearly 600 000 adults of the Vital Statistics Cooperative and demographic data from the US Census Bureau.

Tapper described the trend as "disturbing" in a press release

1999 to 34,174 in 2016. Cirrhosis is defined by the healing of liver, caused by long-term damage, prolonged consumption of alcohol, hepatitis C or so-called fatty liver.

Cancer deaths more than doubled in the same amount of time: from 5,112 in 1999 to 11,073 in 2016, according to the study.A few days before the publication of the study by Tapper and Parikh, the CDC has published a report that from 2000 to 2010, deaths among adults 25 years and older in liver cancer ison increased by 43 percent.

Prolonged, excessive consumption of alcohol is also a known cause of liver cancer.

A 2017 study qualified the increase in alcohol consumption and alcohol consumption to "high risk" from 2001 to 2013 as a "public health crisis" for the United States.

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