Death of owner Dennis Hof at age 72


Dennis Hof, the owner of the Nevada House of Passage where Lamar Odom was found unconscious of a drug overdose three years ago, has died. He was 72 years old.

According to the Nye County Sheriff's Office, Hof was found dead at the Love Ranch in Crystal, Nevada. Detectives and deputies are currently on the scene conducting an investigation.

A Love Ranch employee found that Hof was not reacting and breathing at around 11 am, according to NBC News.

Hof owned several legal brothels in Nevada, including the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, a prime location on the HBO reality show. Cathouse: The series. He also appeared at the Nevada National Assembly.

according to USA todayHof "fell asleep last night and did not wake up."

"I'm going up there now to find out exactly what happened," said Chuck Muth (Hof's campaign manager). Reno Gazette-Journal Tuesday. "His assistant called me, in tears, saying that Dennis was dead and that you must come here immediately, I can not take care of it myself."

"We had a wonderful event last night," he said. "He had the time of his life last night. Grover Norquist was there, "said Muth. "Ron Jeremy was here. He received a rescue dog as a birthday present. He had the time of his life. "

Hof made the headlines in October 2015, when her ex-husband, Ohl, of Khloé Kardashian, was rushed to hospital after being found unconscious in his Nevada house. He had cocaine and opiates in his system when he was admitted for emergency treatment.

"All my doctors who see me say that I am a miracle. I had 12 strokes and 6 heart attacks when I was in a coma, "said the former Los Angeles Lakers player later. "Every day, I'm alive. It's better than the alternative.

Odom, who was open about his fight against addiction, decided to enter rehab in December 2015 with the support of his daughter Destiny and his son Lamar Jr.

Source: Lamar Odom Instagram

"I basically told him it was a rehab or that I did not talk to him anymore," Destiny said in an article in PeopleTV, Surviving a father's dependence: Lamar Odom's family speaks Out in 2017.

"I think it hit him very hard."

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