Death Wish Coffee goes wild in the space


In a podcast titled "Fueled by Death," where animators explore work and extreme efforts, they interviewed Nicole Stott, a native of Albany. She was born here but moved to Clearwater, Florida, where she graduated from high school in 1980. They asked for walks in the space and she said that she wanted really a cup of coffee to recover. However, there was none on the ISS

"We were like why do not you get the strongest coffee in the world because that's the only thing that makes sense after a long outing in space, is not it? said co-host of podcast Dustin Alexander. "It's very tiring, it's a six-hour walk and you do things that take fine motor skills almost without gravity, so when you go back to the International Space Station, you're exhausted.

At the event, Natascha Pearl, a self-proclaimed "space nerd," brought some of her "And I thought, hey, donuts Galaxy , coffee C is a winning combination … I spent a sleepless night last night and I drank a half cup of coffee and I feel good right now … c & rsquo; Is therefore the strongest coffee in the galaxy. "

It was the 15th mission to the ISS supported by SpaceX

" It's amazing to think that an idea that started here is now in the l? space, "said Carolyn Braunius of Special Olympics New York who made the trip to Round Lake.

The company worked with NASA to move whole grains harvested in Peru to freeze" It does not matter. there really are no words to explain it, "Brown said." It's just a lot of love and support. I could not be more excited and lucky.

"To see where we were then and it was then that I lived behind my mother's garage without a dollar in my name and then go to where we are today where we "I could not even imagine it at the time, but it's a little unreal for me today."

"Because of the process, it is necessary to preserve the flavor, the body of coffee and caffeine, it goes more like a low-temperature, long-lasting roast roast, "said John Swedish, Product Development Manager. "When I say flash, it means a burst of heat in the front, but then you hold that heat for a while, but it retains the flavor of the coffee and then it goes through and makes almost a syrup and then this syrup gets "

The company started small, gained a big boost when it won a Super Bowl advertising contest, and now this from a comment on a podcast.

Alexander added: "It's a little walk for Death Wishes every step of the way and I can not wait to see what will happen next … It'll probably take a whole year before I can look into back and really understand how intense and strange it is and how random and truly magical it is. "

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