After a series of last-minute negotiations, the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday proposed Brett Kavanaugh's candidacy to the Supreme Court. (September 28)

WASHINGTON – The FBI contacted the second woman who had been the subject of allegations of sexual assault on Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh, his lawyer said in USA TODAY.

Deborah Ramirez claimed that Kavanaugh had been exposed to her and rubbed her penis in her face during a dorm night while they were students at Yale University. His allegations appeared for the first time in New Yorker.

Kavanaugh denies these allegations and others that have been filed against him.

His lawyer, John Clune, said Ramirez was cooperating with the FBI as agents were investigating the batch of allegations in Kavanaugh's re-opened background check.

"We can confirm that the FBI has interrogated Ms. Ramirez and that she has agreed to cooperate with their investigation," said Clune in a statement. "Out of respect for the integrity of the process, we will have no comments at the moment."

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